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"Owen. Check this out." Carla, Lydia and Micheal said in unison as Lydia opened her macbook and clicked on a few files before the important one opened up.

"What is this?" Owen questioned taking a sip from his coffee.

"Toni lied to you, to us." Carla said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Owen raised his eyebrows skeptically.

"If you look at these stats. It clearly shows how many shipments Kenny has cancelled and how many he has not." Micheal said pointing at each stat while he spoke.

"I'm not following." Owen shook his head.

"Kenny's been receiving outstanding delivery for the last five months. Friday's shipment was successful. It was never canceled." Lydia said causing Owen to immediately set his coffee to the side and sit up right in his chair.

"Which means Kenny did receive his shipment on the day that Toni said he didn't. She clearly lied to us all." Carla spoke in annoyance.

"I'm sure that there is an explanation for that." Owen said not even sounding sure to himself.

"What is there to explain? Absolutely nothing. She betrayed us Owen." Lydia let out a breathe of frustration.

"Yes." Carla chimed in.

Toni walked into the building as all eyes were on her. She wondered why, the looks they gave her made her uncomfortable. And if looks could kill she'd be in her grave right now.

"Toni we have to talk." Gail said rushing up to her. "Sure. About what?" Toni raised her eyebrows.

"Toni!" Owen scolded.

She looked at Owen in confusion at the fact that he said her name in a completely different tone.

"Oh my God..." Gail trailed off.

"In my office. Now!" Owen shouted.

Toni pulled her face in confusion, giving Gail a horrifying look before she walked towards Owen's office. She watched as Carla and Lydia smirked, wondering why... She walked into Owen's office and shut the door behind her.

"What's up?" She asked nonchalantly reading to take a seat. "You were one of my best agents here, I have no idea why I didn't listen to Omar sooner." Owen began.

She froze in her action and decided not to sit down. 'Were'? She tilted her head at Owen in confusion, she wasn't following anything that he had just said.

"You're fired." Owen said, "excuse me?" She questioned with her eyes widened.

"What?" She asked on the verge of crying, "what did I do?" She asked before tears fell from her eyes. "This job is my life-"

"You betrayed us. You chose Kenny over this job. Obviously you don't care about it that much. I'm sorry Toni, I can't have liars working for me or this company." Owen simply said.

"Owen..." She begged, "please." She started sobbing. "Don't do this to me." She said resting her hands down on his desk.

"I'm sorry. Pack your things and go." Owen sadly said.

She stared at him in disbelief for awhile before wiping her tears away nodding in understatement.

Toni walked out of Owen's office watching as Carla and Lydia giggled before rushing into their offices. Gail walked up to Toni.

"How did it go?" Gail questioned. "I'm fired." She softly said not believing it herself.

"Oh Toni." Gail sighed, "excuse me." Toni sadly said turning into her office.

She looked around at everything. From her accomplishments to her certificates. She let out a breathe of frustration. She did this to herself... there was no one to blame but herself.

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