Chapter 16

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That's all Hoseok saw as he looked down at his once white shirt, that bow had a hole in it just above his right hip. He dropped to his knees, the pain in his side quickly becoming unbearable.

His vision blurred, his limbs became weak, a ringing in his ears made it hard to hear. He fell into his side, his arms not being able to support his body, hearing very faint footsteps, which he assumed was Jae running away.

It became hard to breathe, causing Hoseoks breaths to become quick and shaky, despite his attempts to control them as his eyes filled with tears that were threatening to fall at any second.

Meanwhile, Yoongi froze at the sound of the gunshot. The sight in front of him caused his heart to sink, and his face to turn white as snow. He quickly got himself together and pulled out his phone, calling for an ambulance. He gave them their location, and they said they'd send an ambulance immediately, while someone stayed in the phone with Yoongi for a few minutes to try and help him stay calm.

Once the call ended, Yoongi immediately ran over to Hoseok, lifting his head onto his knees as he knelt down beside him, being very careful not to hurt him.

Hoseok looked up at Yoongi, his teary eyes full of pain. The sight made Yoongi's chest tighten, his heart physically hurting. He gently pushed some of Hoseoks hair out of his face, silent tears tricking down his cheeks.

"Yoongi.. d-don't cry" Hoseok mumbled, his voice raspy and barely audible as he took ahold of Yoongi's hand.

"I'm sorry, Hoseok. You're gunna be ok, I promise. An ambulance is coming, y-you'll be fine" Yoongi muttered, sounding more like he was reassuring himself rather than Hoseok.

Hoseok smiled sadly, seeming to be calmer than Yoongi currently. He gently squeezed Yoongi's hand in attempt to comfort him, trying to ignore the agonising pain he felt in his stomach.

Suddenly, Yoongi leaned down and gave Hoseok a quick kiss on the lips.

"I love you, so much. I'm sorry this happened to you Hoseokie" Yoongi whispered, the nickname making Hoseok smile, just as it always did.

"I love you too, Yoongi. Don't be sorry. It isn't your fault, ok?" Hoseok breathed out quietly, his eyes slowly closing seconds later as it became impossible for Hoseok to keep himself awake. Yoongi quickly checked his pulse and thank god he was still breathing.

Just then, ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance, quickly growing louder and louder until the ambulance stopped at the end of the ally, three or four people quickly getting out and pulling a stretcher out of the back.

They quickly brought it over and a few people carefully lifted Hoseok onto it, taking him over to the ambulance. The person who wasn't helping with that attended to Yoongi, making sure he wasn't injured, and talked to him in attempt to calm him down as she brought him over to the ambulance.

She sat Yoongi down in the ambulance and put a shock blanket over him, in attempt to relax him and slow down his breathing. The doors at the back of the ambulance closed and the driver started up the car, quickly heading to the hospital.

Yoongi couldn't bare to look at Hoseok on the stretcher beside him, he didn't want to see his boyfriend in such a state. The nurse who was comforting him stayed sat beside him and tried to have a conversation, just to try and calm Yoongi's nerves.

"He's going to be ok. I promise" she said calmly. Yoongi nodded in understanding, not saying a word.

"How do you guys know each other? If you don't mind me asking" the woman asked, a sad smile suddenly appearing on Yoongi's face.

"He's my boyfriend" Yoongi said quietly, worried he was going to be judged by the woman, but instead she just smiled.

"I can tell how much you love him" she said, resting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder "he will be alright. We're going to save him ok?" The nurse said, still trying to reassure Yoongi.

The rest of the drive to the hospital was reasonably silent, other than the occasional sniffle from Yoongi as he was still a little shaken up. The drive wasn't long, but long enough for Yoongi to have fallen asleep before they arrived at the hospital, likely from being exhausted by all the stress. The nurse didn't want to wake Yoongi so decided to let him sleep a little longer and waited with him in the back of the ambulance.

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