ONE: Already Mated

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I took in a large inhale of air as the rain patted against my skin.

I love the rain.

The way it felt, the way it smelt, the way it tasted and the way it sounded soothed my soul and calmed me. 

"Sophia Grace White!" the shrill from my mother interrupted my tranquillity "get out of the rain right now, I just finished doing your hair" her anger was evident as I sulked my way back through the doors of our quaint house.

"It only needs a blow dry" I rolled my eyes as she ushered me back into the chair I had already sat 3 hours in.

"It needs so much more than that Sophia, we are meeting Alpha Storm today, you need to look your best!" the panic, stress and worry she had been feeling for the past 4 days trying to get both my sister and I ready had aged her, although she was still beyond beautiful.

"I think she looks beautiful with wet or dry hair" my fathers voice caused a smile to appear on both mine and my mothers face as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Obviously she is still beautiful but she cant present herself to the Storm family looking like a wet mop, I think his sons are still mate-less" she finished with a smirk as she began drying my hair.

With a very dramatic roll of my eyes I sat still so she could finish up quickly and we could all begin our long trip to the Storm family's land.

I scanned the group of us in the car my mother, father, sister and twin brother were all giddy with excitement, while I was a nervous wreck.

My wolf was a little on edge and I couldn't understand why. Usually I was the cool, calm and collected one but this time, I was freaking out.

It was very rare that anyone got an invite to meet the Storm family. They were known as the more primitive and primal pack. They were a complete opposite to how our pack was run.

Alpha Raymond and his ancestors had been trying to strengthen the human side of us for centuries. We were rarely in our wolf form and tried to blend in with society whereas, Alpha Storm and his ancestors had been strengthening the wild wolf side. They were in wolf form as much as possible and still practised and believed all of our old laws.  

I admired them for that.

I used to sneak off just so I could shift and run free but after years and years of punishment and wolf curfews, I learnt to restrain myself... and my wolf.

"Are you ok Soph?" my twin brother Wyatt asked from beside me.

"I'm fine, just a little on edge" I reply quietly as I take a deep breath.

"We're almost there sweetie, maybe you just need some fresh air" my father gave me a comforting smile through the rear view mirror before turning back to follow Alpha Raymond's car.

I sent back a small smile "yeah, hopefully" I whispered quietly as I stared out of the window.

We had been driving for hours and as I peered at the rain drops decorating the car window, I became impatient. I just needed to relax in the cool droplets of mother natures clouds.

I was so thankful that the weather was cold here too, we had driven through pristine blue skies but I was beyond happy to see the beautiful grey clouds covering us again. Its not that I don't love sunny days, the rain just soothes me. 

A chill ran down my spine as I stared ahead at the on coming house.

The pack... It was glorious, there were wolfs surrounding the property, some pacing around the boarder, some running off into the woods. The werewolves in human form were either running or sparing and there bodies... they looked so strong, so powerful.

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