FIVE: Another Long Car Ride

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The week went by so slowly that it was painful.

I had hardly slept, hardly ate, hardly spoke and hardly moved.

I had no energy or desire to do anything.

It had been two weeks since my family came home, three weeks since the incident with the Storm family.

I was a highly emotional wreck.

I was constantly snapping at my family and constantly battling with my wolf.

I didn't understand why I had become so savage, yet also so exhausted. I was constantly wanting to rip things apart and run for miles but I also had no energy to leave the house.

I peered at my pruney fingers as I shivered in the cold water. I had been in this bath for so long that the water was freezing and my skin was screaming to be dried.

"Sophia, honey it's just me" I heard my mum's voice break the silence.

"You've been in there for a few hours now, I'm gonna help you out" she added and I could hear the worry in her voice.

I couldn't even drum up a reply. I just let her help me out of the water and into my room.

"Please get dressed and come get some food, your father and I have something we need to discuss with you about the Storm family"

As I entered the kitchen of my family home, my entire family was there, accompanied by Alpha Raymond and his family.

"Sophia, its so nice to see you again, you look..." Alpha Raymond trailed off as he took in my exhausted and frail form "well its great to see you" he finished with a sympathetic smile.

"It's nice to see you all again as well" I replied meekly as I took a seat on one of the island chairs.

My body had become so weak in the past few weeks due to lack of food and rest, I couldn't hold my own weight for very long.

"So what did you all need to discuss with me?" I asked, not really looking forward to discussing the Storm family.

"Well I think the first thing you need to know is that Caleb Storm, during the week that you were absent, turned very... agitated" he peered around slowly, which made me take in the reaction of everyone else in the room. They all had a look as if to say "that''s an understatement" plastered on there faces.

"Anyway, Alpha Storm contacted us this morning and it seems as though things have taken a turn for the worst with Caleb" my worry peaked and I felt a sudden surge of energy.

"What do you mean?! Is he ok?! Whats wrong?!" I was panicked.

"Hey, hey, he is ok for now" my mother quickly added and embraced me to calm me down slightly.

"I've heard from your parents that you've been suffering from insomnia, loss of appetite, lack of energy and you may be a little on edge, and please forgive me for saying this but also agitated and hormonal" I sent a death glare to my family members.

"I'm not hormonal!" I snapped.

"Sorry, I don't mean to offend but as I was saying, all of those symptoms are actually very similar, if not exactly the same as Caleb's" Raymond added and my worry peaked again.

My wolf was practically whimpering as I thought about what Caleb was going through.

I didn't like thinking about him not sleeping or eating or just being unwell in any way. It made me want run to curl up into a ball and cry just knowing I wasn't the one taking care of him.

"And is there a reason you are telling me this or do you all like to rub in the fact that the Storm family actually like you" I snapped and I could see everyone flinch from harshness "sorry... sorry I didn't mean to snap, I just don't know why we are talking about Caleb" I added apologetically.

"Well Alpha and Luna Storm are incredibly worried about there son, and we are all incredibly worried about you so they suggested, because of the incidents that happened when you both met, it wouldn't hurt to see if you both felt better being close to each other. Seeing as you felt like you were mates and the symptoms you are both having are what mates who haven't mated and have been separated go through... we think that it might benefit you both" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

They want us to be together because they think it will make us feel better?

But he is already mated... how could I possible be the reason behind this all?!

"I don't think Caleb will like that idea" I started, thinking back to both the times he just walked away when I was hurt.

"Well, actually..." My father trailed off "it was his idea" he added as he scratched the back of his neck.

What. The. Hell.

"He hates me though, and he has a mate that can ease his pain" Bri scoffed from across the room and we all turned our gaze to her.

"If that girl was his mate than he wouldn't have stolen one of your shirts that was in my bag to calm his wolf down" she snapped with a roll of her eyes.

"Bri, you weren't suppose to say anything" Wade snapped.

"Well he treated my little sister like trash but was so dependant on her scent when his so called mate couldn't calm him down" you could tell she was on edge as well.

I couldn't help but smile at my protective sister.

"Lets put all of that aside, Sophia, its really up to you you want to see if it will make you two feel better? do you want to go back to the Storm Pack?"

I sat there and thought about how I've been feeling and acting the past few weeks and then I thought about Caleb... if it was true that he was going through the same things I was and I was the cause... that made me feel like throwing up.

I guess its time for another long car ride...

Hey guys, I'm sorry about the shortness of this chapter from now on, ALL chapters will be at least 1500 words, most likely more!

Thank you so much for the support, let me know what you think about it so far by leaving a comment


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