TWENTY ONE: Decisions

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I could feel a low growl rumbling in from deep within me as I starred into her eyes with as much anger as I could muster.

"Do you... think... I care about... what you have to say?!" She coughed between breaths as I pressed my arm against her throat. She was struggling but she stared at me with a deep anger in her eyes.

"Everything was fine... before you came along... we would have been happy!" She began to thrash against my arms and her strength knocked me back slightly.

"You and I both know that he never would have been truly happy!" I snapped back, looking at her with hatred.

She paused for a moment, enough time for me to push her back and stare at her furiously.

"He was always in a trance, tricked into loving you... you tricked him, manipulated his mind and his heart... it was all a lie!" I could feel my skin stinging as I clenched my fist tightly. My anger always boiled over when I thought of what was robbed from Caleb, what was robbed from me.

She growled lowly, obviously furious at my comment.

"You will never know what we had... he was happy... he loves me..." Her voice was low, sort of eerie.

"Loved" a loud voice broke the silence and we both snapped our heads up to the hallway, "he loved you" Kai stood at the doorway, leaning on the side.

"Kai, please don't say that" Ruby stepped towards Kai but paused when he sent her a threatening gaze.

"I don't have the patience for this anymore" He barked loudly, growling lowly.

"It's time father!" He barked out.

Footsteps followed soon after and in walked Alpha Bradley and Luna Catherine. I looked around for my family or Caleb but no one else came.

"Sophia, I'm sorry my dear but we really need to sort out the next steps." Alpha Bradley took a seat behind his desk as Luna Catherine moved to my side.

"Let us deal with the rest of this and we will update you once its all been figured out, ok?" She began to usher me to the door and I looked back at Bradley and Kai. They were both sending me a reassured nod as I paused at the doorway.

I wanted to see what was decided, I wanted to make sure Ruby couldn't manipulate her way out of this one.

With a small nod, I decided to let them be.

I made my way through the corridors and out onto the porch.

My family were all sitting on the stairs, looking frustrated and tired.

"Hey guys" I said softly as I sat down next to Wyatt and rested my head onto his shoulder.

Bri walked over and handed me my beautiful little niece.

I smiled down at her with tears pricking my eyes.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there Bri, I should have been there for you!" a tear slipped down my cheek as I looked up to meet my sisters eyes.

"Don't start... we would of loved to have you there but you needed some time to yourself and I wanted to give that to you." She sat next to me and cuddled my side.

We sat there together, looking at a sleeping Billy.

She was so perfect.

"I'm so proud of you" I glanced to her and gave her a small smile, "oh and you too Wade" I giggled as I looked over to my brother in law.

My entire family laughed and it was nice to just be in there presence and not have a care in the world.

Obviously it was cut short though.

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