THREE: Car Ride Home

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I swallowed the lump in my throat as everyone stared at me confused.

After Caleb left me sobbing in his office, his older brother Kai came to my rescue. Nothing was said, he simply helped me stand up, handed me a few tissues and lead me to the living room where everyone was debating about what was going on.

They all stared at me with pity and confusion. It wasn't hard to sense the slight anger that some held. 

The storm family's anger was radiating off Caleb and the she wolf sat on his lap.

My families anger was clear on my brother and fathers face.

You could practically cut the tension with a knife.

"Sophia, is it true? do you feel the mate bond with Caleb?" My sisters voice seemed weak as she looked at me with so much pity,it made me feel sick.

"I don't know... I thought I did but..." I couldn't finish my sentence, tears began again.

"It's obvious that you feel something towards my son, but can you explain at all how this has happened? We just don't understand it?" Luna Catherine walked towards me slowly and gave me a caring gaze as she stroked my arms to calm me.

"It's obvious that this girl is lying!" Caleb's 'mate' squealed desperately "How is it that Caleb feels nothing but she feels something?! She's lying!" she stalked over to me in an attempt to intimidate me. It wasn't going to work.

"Excuse me miss, you cant talk to her like that" my sister piped up as my brother snaked his way between me and this girl.

"Ruby, don't stress about it babe" Caleb's voice sent shivers down my spine but hearing his words caused my heart to clench.

"You're right baby, she's not worth anything" the look in her eye caused anger to surge through me.

A growl escaped me before I could control it.

'Do not let her talk to us that way!'

I blinked back slightly... I hadn't talked to my wolf in months. She had become weak over the years.

A loud slap broke the silence.

The burning on my cheek made it clear that I was the victim.

All the sounds of people around me were muffled as pure rage took control of my body.

I let out a savage growl as I turned to face my attacker. Ruby.

Before I had a chance to react, Caleb's form stepped between us. I halted my attack instantly as my mood brightened for a split second.

"Don't you dare touch her!" he barked protectively as he guarded Ruby.

I felt me heart shatter a little more as tears pricked my vision instantly.

He was searching my face, as if he was checking the damage she had already inflicted on me. He didn't care though, because as soon as he saw the raw redness of my cheek, he smiled, turned to her and lead her from the room.

"Soph, what can we do darling" my mother came to my side and hugged me.

I broke down.

"I don't know whats going on. I d-don't understand..." I sobbed dramatically as she coo'd and rubbed my back softly.

I could hear the Alpha's start talking about what the best thing to do was.

I didn't respond until I heard "maybe this alliance isn't going to work out" by my Luna.

"No!" I called out desperately, "this isn't going to effect anything I might, no I will be ok, Caleb doesn't feel anything for me so he will be fine and I'll just keep my crush under control, please don't cancel the alliance just because of my uncontrollable emotions" I was rambling like a mad woman.

I knew what this alliance meant for my pack, I knew what was at stake and I would not jeopardise it just because I had an uncontrollable crush. 

I gazed over to Alpha Storm to see him in deep thought. My Alpha gazed at me with relief.

"I don't think its such a good idea you being in the same house as Caleb though Soph" Wyatt whispered as he put an arm over my shoulder.

"Well we don't really have a choice Wyatt" I replied back as I sunk a little.

"Actually, I can help with that" a strange voice caused us to turn around.

Kai stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets.

"I live in my own place and you're welcome to stay with me"

I was baffled by the offer. I didn't know how to react.

"That's a wonderful idea Kai, Sophia can spend the week at your place so Caleb and her have some time to breath" Luna Catherine piped in, excited by the idea. 

"Well I don't know if that's such a good idea" I looked over to my family, begging them to help me.

"I think I should just head home, I don't want to cause any drama I just... I want to go home" I was practically begging them all to just let me go home "my family can stay, I just, I don't think I can be here and see them together, I cant explain it... It just hurts" I let out with a sigh.

They all looked at me with sympathy.

"We understand darling" Luna Catherine whispered something into her husbands ear and then added "Kai will escort you home when you are ready"

I peered around to check with my family and they all looked defeated.

I know that they want to stay with me but they have to secure this alliance, to save our pack. I understood.

Time for another long car ride home...

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