EIGHT: Sound's so Safe

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After many test, Caleb and I have been given the all clear. We were finally feeling normal again... well as normal as we could feel in this situation.

"Now, although you are both obviously doing much better, I think it would be beneficial to have Miss Sophia spend some time with us while we figure out what it is that is connecting the two of you" Alpha Bradley had us all in his office for a meeting to discuss what the next steps would be.

"I'm feeling better now father, I don't want her to stay here any longer than what is needed" Caleb barked back at his fathers comments.

"If she leaves though, you'll be back to sooky little Caleb again" Kai fired up, he hadn't left my side since Caleb and I were released from the ward and has been my biggest defence for the matter.

"Don't you start, we all know the only reason you are defending her is because she..." Caleb stood with anger as he began to roast his brother before he was interrupted by their father.

"Enough!" His voice boomed as he silenced everyone.

Caleb and Kai were stood chest to chest, sizing each other up. There was a low rumble flooding the room and it wasn't hard to realise that the brothers were challenging each other with low growls.

"Boys! I said enough!" Bradley repeated, forcing his sons to take a seat.

Caleb stalked over to where Ruby was perched and pulled her onto his lap. He connected eye contact with me as he smothered her neck in wet kisses.

I couldn't help but cringe. Not only for the fact that he was being gross but also because of the fact that it broke my heart to see him show her affection.

As Kai made his way back to the spot next to me, he glance at me and gave me a confused expression. He then turned around and took in the smitten couple and when he turned back to me with a mischievous smirk, it was my turn to look confused.

He held out his hand for me and I reluctantly took it, making me stand i whispered "What are you doing?" to which he replied with a quiet "just trust me" his reply made me freeze slightly.

Do I trust Kai?

Even though I was hesitant I gave Kai a small nod, which resulted in a large smirk forming on his face.

Within seconds, Kai had twirled me around, sat on the chair and pulled me on top of him.

I looked behind me with a small gasp as Kai's arm wrapped around my waist, securing me in place.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked Kai as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Wow, you do smell nice" Kai's words were louder than I expected and when I turned to look him in the eyes, I saw that his focus was past me... looking directly at Caleb.

I turned around and also locked eyes with the beautiful man across the room.

His knuckles were white with tension, his lip was twitching with anger and if eyes could kill, Kai would be dead.

"Boys, please just try not to kill each other for a few minutes" Catherine begged as she stood between the two boys.

"Now Caleb, I honestly think it would be beneficial that Sophia spends a few weeks with us, just until we can figure some stuff out" Bradley had moved to stand over his youngest son.

"I know you may not be comfortable with it all but I am not comfortable with the fact that you could go savage again" he added, placing a hand on Caleb's shoulder.

Caleb glanced from his dad, to me, to Kai and repeated that process a few times before replying.

"Well she cant stay with Kai"

That's all he had to say.

He could flaunt around his love for Ruby right in front of my face but I couldn't sleep under the same roof as his brother.

"If she doesn't stay with Kai, then she stays in the pack house" Catherine piped up, smiling triumphantly for some reason.

She obviously knows something that I don't.

"That's not gonna happen" Ruby replied quickly. A sour expression on her face.

"Well unless anyone knows another place Sophia can stay, they are the only options we have" Bradley added, as he took a seat on his leather chair. His wife following to sit on his lap.

After a few moments of silence and Ruby constantly whispering into Caleb's ear, Caleb piped back up, his voice low and hesitant "Well I know one place she can stay, I'm sure she will be right at home there too" his words had peeked all of our interest.

"And where might that be?" Kai asked, his eyes narrowed at the two with caution.

"Our old dungeons" Ruby replied with a giggle as she smirked at Caleb.

"Are you f*cking kidding me?!" Kai roared in anger as he rose from his seat, making me stand with him.

"You're seriously that low of a dog that you would make your mate sleep in the dungeon!" Caleb looked pained by every word his brother spoke but he looked away in silence, Ruby on the other hand, well the word mate sent her over the edge.

"She is not his mate!" She screamed in pure rage, "why can't any of you understand that!? Caleb is my mate, not hers, she is ruining everything!" With a final screech, Ruby launched herself at me with her claws out.

I dodged the strike and watched as she stumbled over the chair and fell face first onto the floor.

I heard quick movements from Caleb and Kai snort in amusement.

I couldn't help but smile softly myself, even though it was not a very funny matter.

"Everyone needs to calm down!" Catherine begged as she pulled Kai and myself towards her husbands desk.

"Caleb, Ruby, I think it be best for you to leave for now" Catherine said with a small frown.

"I need to be included in any discussions relating to... her" Caleb nodded in my direction. 

I couldn't help but notice that he didn't like to use my name, not knowing if it was because he was disrespecting me or for another reason, I frowned. 

"Son, I think Ruby needs come space and I'm sure you wouldn't want to leave her, am I correct?" Alpha Bradley placed a hand on his youngest sons shoulder, giving him a reassuring look. 

We all watched with wonder as there eyes darkened, signalling they were linking each other. 

After a few seconds, Caleb's eyes turned to me, causing my breath to pause. 

The emotion in his eyes made my knees weak. I couldn't help but stare at the beauty he portrayed.

His grey, storm like eyes. His lightly freckled skin. His deliciously tanned skin. His toned and strong physique. The man was a pure Adonis. 

With a quick nod, he turned towards the door and quickly dragged Ruby out of the room, and I could finally breath again. 

"What did he have to say father?" Kai asked as his dad turned towards us with a small smile evident on his face. 

"We have a place for you to stay but it is a fair way from the rest of the pack" 

Great, solidarity in an unknown pack sound's so safe. 

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