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-Stampina's POV-

I woke up on a cold, rough stone floor with a horrible headache. I looked out of my cage and I suddenly remembered what happened. I had been kidnapped! I saw a throne at the other side of the room and it looked kinda familiar. The room was red and yellow and then I saw someone walk out of a hallway. I could see something shine on the persons head. It looked like a crown. I then remembered that dad warned me about someone who wore red and yellow and had a crown. His name was Hit the Target. Dad told me that he started off as a good friend but then he betrayed him and tried to steal his dogs. He told me to stay away from him but now he was only a few blocks away. He said," Hello Stampina. Nice of you to stop by." Then I yelled at him," You can't make me stay here." He laughed his evil laugh and said," Yes I can
and I will." Then I started chewing on the bars of my cage." Well of you're going to act like that... Guards! Take her to the melon tree!" He said. His guards grabbed me and tied me up and before they gagged me I yelled for dad. Then they knocked me out but before everything went black I prayed that he heard me.

-Stampy's POV-

I heard someone yell dad and I wondered if it was Stampina. If it was, was she in trouble? Then it hit me." Guys! I think Hit the Target has Stampina!" I told my helpers. They all gasped and imediatly took out there weapons. I had a bow and arrow(the worst archer in the group has the bow lol) and everyone else had a sword. Then we all started hunting for Hit the Target.

-Stampina's POV-

I woke up and I felt like I was floating on air. For some reason I couldn't move my arms. I then looked down and realized I was tied to the melon tree and I was dangling by a rope! I screamed and Hit the Target must have heard me because he said," Oh pipe down princess! When I cut the rope you will meet your doom! And your..." He never finished his sentence because he was interrupted by Stampy yelling," There you are Hit the Target!" Hit the Target yelled, " You're to late Stampy! One more step and I cut the rope! Then Stampina will meet her doom!" Stampy looked at me and yelled, " Don't worry Stampina! We will get you down!" I yelled back, "Hurry! This rope is scratchy!" because I was getting rope burns and scratches now.

-Squid's POV-

I heard Stampy mumble under his breath, " What could we do?" Then he said, "I've got it!" He then turned around and told us the plan. The plan was that me and Stampy would climb up the tree from the outside and we would try to untie Stampina. Then Finnball and Rosie would climb up the inside if the tree and attack Hit the Target's henchmen. Lee would build a water pit under Stampina so if she fell she wouldn't die. We all got behind Stampy and then he yelled, " You're going down Hit the Target! Now!" Then the plan was set in motion.

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