Chapter Twenty-three

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What Did You Say?

"This is kind of freaking me out," Delilah said after we had all sat in silence for five minutes, Delilah and I on
Wyatt's couch and Wyatt in an armchair. "Believe me, I'm not too crazy about it either," Wyatt said, slightly bitter, glaring at her with narrowed eyes. His eyes were still slightly red, but he was able to clean himself up pretty well before we arrived.

"Guys, let's be civil here. You both have things to explain to each other, especially you, Delilah," I said.

"I'll say that," Wyatt said, glaring at the cowering blonde girl. I gave him a stern look before sending an

encouraging one to Delilah. She took a deep breath before turning to Wyatt.

As she told her story, about her jealousy and her suspicions of him that led to her desperation, Wyatt

softened. I watched his hard brow turn relaxed, his judging eyes into understanding and a bit sympathetic.

When she finished, he relaxed back into his seat, breathing out slowly. We regarded him with nervous patience.

"Well, I don't blame you. I felt creepy myself when it all started... and how could you not feel jealous? I mean, look at her," he said, making Delilah laugh a bit. They both looked at me, admiring.

"She has the softest skin," Delilah said, sighing.

"And those eyes," Wyatt pointed out. Delilah made a noise of intense agreement, looking to him and grinning.

"So beautiful!" she gushed.

"Freaking gorgeous!" he exclaimed. I was blushing very hard by this point, more embarrassed than flattered.

"Can you guys stop now? Wyatt, do you accept her apology?" I asked, turning the subject back on course. Wyatt hesitated, studying Delilah. She grimaced.

"I... I accept the apology, but I can't say I trust you," he said. She shrugged, sighing.

"I wouldn't either," she said. I smiled sadly, then looked to Wyatt.

"How about you? Anything to say?" I asked.

"What does he have to say to me? I'm the one whos been-"

"No, I do have something to say," Wyatt said, interrupting her and putting up a gentle hand. She blinked, looking between us with a bit of puzzlement.

"You were right. The relationship was wrong. In a way, Noelle was manipulated even if she doesn't see it that way. I was her teacher, a very aggressive one, who was coming onto her strongly. It must have been scary. You have to admit it, Noelle."

"I was never scared of you, but the situation could be..." I trailed off, wincing as he grimaced, a bit of hurt in his eyes. He nodded.

"See? If she rejected me, she had no way of knowing how I would react," he said. I started protesting, but he put up a hand to silence me. His eyes settled back on Delilah.

"And not only that, but I did give her special treatment. I gave her a few passes on some work, and I got her that job because of tension between us. I wanted to get her away, because maybe it would get better if we weren't around each other. But that obviously didn't work... Anyway, I want to say, as your professor, I am sorry for abusing my power and treating you like an enemy when you were just trying to be a good friend."

"I... I accept your apology," Delilah said, stunned. I was too. I knew Wyatt was eloquent, but this was ridiculous. She breathed out, extending a hand to him and smiling.


"Friends," he agreed, smiling and accepting her hand. As they took their grips away, they settled back in their seats. A few minutes of silence and Wyatt spoke again. "Now what?"

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