Chapter Seventeen

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Shaky Ground

I stared into the display window of Tiffany's, blowing gently over the surface of my hot coffee.

The steam twirled in front of my eyes, but I could still see the sparkling of the crystal necklace through the glass, reflecting every source of light that it caught.

I sighed, lowering my cup to my chest and staring in awe at the magnificent piece. Maya walked up beside me, looking in at the captive of my attention. "Are you going to get it?" she asked. My brows shot up and I looked at her, staring. She gave me a look.


"That necklace costs more than my tuition," I pointed out, looking back at it.
"Everything costs more than your tuition. You're on a scholarship," she reminded me, rolling her eyes. "Then it costs more than my salary," I said, leaning down and staring at the gorgeous work of art at eye
level. She joined me, sighing. "Then make your boyfriend buy it," she said. I hesitated, about to tell her Wyatt couldn't afford it either, but remembering that she had no idea we were dating. I gave her a look.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I said, rising. She shrugged.

"Then you're helpless," she said, turning and walking down the sidewalk. I joined her after casting one last longing look at the jewelry.

She looked at me. "So, how is Wyatt doing?"

"Why?" I asked, making a little face, trying to act like I couldn't care less.

She smirked. "I know he seems like a monster, but he's a good guy. I mean, he did get you a job. We used to be good friends back when he and Mark started the business, believe it or not," she said, taking a sip of her coffee and fixing her eyes in front of us again. I eyed her.

Wyatt never talked about his past, and consequently never talked about that mysterious girl he dated back then. I wrinkled my brow carefully. "I'm sure he's fine. You were close, huh? Did you guys date or something?" I asked. She let out a loud snort, making me smirk a bit.

"Hell no. We were the most platonic that friends could get, and even if I would have ever been interested he was totally in love with another girl," she said.

"Really? She must have been dreadful," I said, trying to sound more humoured than jealous. Maya laughed.
"She was interesting. She was sweet enough, but there was something off about her. Like you didn't want to get on her bad side," she said. She looked at me. "She was a viper made into a woman."

"No wonder he liked her. He seems attracted to strong people," I said, forcing down my own insecurity. I couldn't fake it very well. My thumb picked at the edge of my paper coffee cup. Wyatt thought I was strong, but I wasn't. My family was strong, and I was the sweet, little, helpless girl of the bunch. The weak one they all protected.

She shrugged, sighing."I guess so, but I think he felt it too. He never seemed comfortable around her. It was like he was intimidated by her... I don't know. Let's just say he was never as relaxed around her as he is around you," she said. I blinked, raising my brows at her.

"What?" I asked.

She grinned. "Don't pretend that you don't notice it? He likes you. He looks at you like you're an angel," she said, sighing
and shaking her head.

"It has been a while since I've seen him, but I know it's been just as long that he's
opened up like this. Since he and... nevermind. Are you ready to head back to the university? I was just thinking I'd better get back home myself."

"Yeah... yeah, sure," I said, smiling weakly, my brow knitted in thought. I was slightly unnerved. I wasn't sure if it was about what I just learned about Wyatt's past or how Maya seemed so easily able to tell how he liked me.

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