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I sighed, running my hands over my already messy ponytail, as I looked over the board holding the pages for the next edition of my magazine. It was so anal to have to pick at every single detail and tell my team what they had to fix all on my own, especially on the first draft. And what only made it more annoying was when people interrupted me, I thought as the door opened behind me.

"How many times do I have to-" I froze when my eyes fell on a grinning face, green eyes sparkling. I smiled.

"Well, hello Mr MacNeill."

"Hello future Mrs MacNeill," he said, closing the door and walking in. He placed our lunch on the table before walking up to me and taking me in his arms. I grinned up at him, draping my own arms around his neck. Our engagement ring sparkled on my finger in the light. He kissed my forehead before continuing.

"How's the draft?"

"Riddled with mistakes, but nothing too bad. The usual spacing errors or printing defects," I said, turning in his arms and leaning against his chest. He hugged me tighter from behind, my fingers settling on his hand
to trace invisible patterns on his skin. I sighed again. 

"Sounds like you need a break," he said, leaning down and gently kissing my neck. I grinned, but turned and pushed him gently away. 

"Mr MacNeill, I'm at work," I said. He smirked.

"I'm not," he said. I only grinned wider, shaking my head, and walked to the table. As he started unpacking the bag, I sat and stared at him, admiring my Fiancé.

It's been five years since the university. Mark didn't fire me. In fact, he opened a new magazine for me to run myself after two years of a full time job as an editor and photographer at his company. He offered
Wyatt a job as well, but Wyatt was dedicated to remaining in the teaching business. As I accepted the full time position, omitting out of modeling, he found his way to a high school. It was one of those intensecollege prep schools, so the Principal there was more concerned with how Wyatt taught than his record. Mr Charlton refused to even give Wyatt a bad recommendation, so it looked a little hopeless until the other professors and the students at the university chipped in themselves. The Principal at that high school didn't even read five of the hundreds of letters before he hired Wyatt on the spot. 

I moved in with him a few weeks after we left the university. Sue was still out to kill me then, but when Wyatt explained what happened she accepted me with open arms again. She said if I was woman enough
to do and say what I did in that office, she was proud to accept me into the family. Her only condition was
that I learned Mandarin, because her grand-children were going to be raised in her culture even if they looked white and were Scottish. And in the family I went.

A few weeks ago, Wyatt proposed to me on Ochil Hills; the same cliff on which we both first felt a connection with each other. Of course I accepted, and I was so excited I nearly fell off the thing. Wyatt then lectured me for ten minutes about how I should use a harness. He would have gone longer if I didn't distract him with a kiss. Our families freaked out, of course. They all congregated at our house and we had a party all night long. Except for little May. She snuck off around twenty-two hundred to talk to her friends on the phone in the guest room. 

"Future Mrs MacNeill?" Wyatt asked. I rolled my eyes, grinning wider. That was all he called me recently.

"Would you prefer chicken or beef?"

"Chicken," I said. He tossed the sandwich to me as he settled down in the seat next to me. I took a bite, thoughtfully chewing. I remembered something, smiling before I swallowed.
"Guess who I ran into today?"

"Maya?" he asked. I gave him a look as he laughed, sending him a light kick. I still worked with Maya, so I ran into her everyday. 

"No, silly. Delilah," I said before biting. He gave me wide, surprised, eyes. 

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