Chapter 4: Adam?

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"Hey Curtis? Wanna go get vender food and eat in the park today?" Shiro asks from the couch while Curtis is searching in fridge. He immediately closes them fridge and runs up behind his boyfriend and wraps his arms around his neck and kisses his cheek. 

"I thought you'd never ask! Let's go I'm starving!" Curtis goes to put on his shoes and Shiro just laughs at his boyfriends eagerness. "Well at least I'm making you happy." Shiro grabs his jacket from the end of the couch and puts it on as he makes his way over to the door. Curtis smiles at his boyfriend before pulling him into a kiss. When he pulls away he whispers, "You always make me happy." Shiro goes a slight pink before slipping on his shoes. Curtis puts his apartment key and wallet in his jacket pocket and Shiro does the same. But Shiro makes sure the little black box is still in his pocket.

The two walk up and down the street market and trying decide what they'd like to eat for dinner. "I want ramen." Curtis says making his way to the vender and Shiro laughs and follows right behind him. As Curtis orders Shiro can't help but be excited to propose to his boyfriend. 

They've been dating for four years now, Shiro thought it was time to ask Curtis to be in his life forever. "Do you want ramen?" Curtis asks after he finishing order for himself. Shiro nods and replies, "I'll have what ever you're having." Curtis nods and Shiro holds him close to his side. Curtis tells the man he'll have the same and the man nods preparing their dinner. "Heard there's gonna be a band playing tonight at the gazebo, wanna sit there?" Shiro asks and Curtis just smiles. "Sure sounds lovely." The two were handed their ramen and the two make their way to the gazebo and sit on the park bench behind it.

The two converse over the music and eat their dinner, they both finish at the same time and that's when Shiro new it was the perfect time. "Hey Curtis," Shiro starts and Curtis turns his full attention to him, "Yeah babe?" Curtis smiles at him, "I have a question." Curtis nods as a sign to tell him to go on. "We've been dating for four years now, I thought it was the perfect time to do this." Curtis goes in shock at the sight of the little black box. "I love you so much and I'd like you in my life forever." Shiro opens the box, "Will you marry me?" Curtis has tears forming and he's nodding while wiping his tears. "Y-Yes I'll marry you." He manages to get out and Shiro smiles brightly at him. He takes a hold of Curtis' left hand and slips the silver band on his ring finger. Curtis brings him into a kiss and Shiro returns it.

The two decide to get a cup of coffee before heading home, "There's a cafe right there, would you like to go there?" Shiro agrees and the two link arms, Curtis' left hand holding onto Shiro's bicep in plain view for everyone to see. Shiro opens the door and the walk in together. They pass the group of kids rough housing and making jokes and heads straight to the counter. Veronica walks up to the till and asks for their order. The two do so and turns to go find a seat while they wait for their order, then someone familiar calls out Shiro's name.

"Shiro?" Adam says heart-brokenly, Shiro freezes at the sound of the voice. Adam looks down at Curtis' hand that's holding onto Shiro's arm so tightly. Seeing the diamond ring clearly. Adam feels his heart stop and tears forming.

"Adam?" Shiro says barely above a whisper but yet the entire cafe can hear it. Curtis just sadly smiles at Shiro and let's go. Adam runs out of the cafe and Shiro turns to Curtis. "You need to talk to him." Curtis says quietly and Shiro nods slowly. "I got our drinks and I'll head home." Curtis says and Veronica turns to give him their drinks and Shiro goes to run after Adam. Curtis feels a tear fall down his cheek as Curtis leaves the cafe. With the group's eyes watching him.

"Adam!" Shiro calls out and Adam stops. Adam had made it down the ally way that goes to his apartment. "What is it Shiro?" Adam says heart-brokenly, not turning around. Not wanting Shiro to see how broken he is. "Whe-When did you get home?" Adam just freezes. "Six months ago..." Adam says before walking a little bit more to head to his door and unlocks it. "Look before you ask how can I just move on after you moved." Shiro starts, "Your parents came to my house and talked to me after we said goodbye to each other. They said 'Don't bother to come looking for Adam, move on. He won't be coming back." Shiro tries to explain. 

"What?" Adam turns with anger clearly shown in his eyes. "They did what?" He asks while gripping the door knob tightly. "They told me to move on and that you weren't coming back Adam. Believe me I fought for you, no matter what I did nothing got through to them. Changed numbers, moved, and I never saw them again! They had told me you got engaged to a daughter of a CEO and told me to give up." Shiro says before pulling out his wallet and pulls out a photo of the two before they were dating. "Do what ever you want with it." He hands it to Adam and Shiro turns around and walks away. Adam just places it on the table beside the door and turns back to see Shiro walk away. "We've literally lived across the park from each other this entire time?" Shiro stops and turns back to Adam.

Adam sighs and runs his hand through his hair, he knows he has to move on. "Yeah I guess." Adam shrugs. "You know Shiro, might take me awhile to move on but we can still be friends." Adam suggests. Shiro just smiles and nods. "Sure, I work at the mall, I have my own store." Adam smiles sadly and nods. 

"How's Keith?" Adam asks, he's always had a soft spot for Keith. "He's good actually! Haven't heard it from me but he's pregnant." Adam's eyes widen and he smiles shortly after. "Tell him I'm back in town and that'd I'd like to see him." Adam says before waving goodbye and closing the door. Adam knew Shiro had moved on but he didn't know that they were in serious relationship until now.

That night Adam ended up crying his eyes out until he passed out on the couch. Shiro was felt guilty but he knew it was the right thing to do. He had moved on and dearly missed his childhood friend. Shiro knew that Curtis is the one he needed right now, and he knew Adam can move on because he knew Adam had the capability of moving on. He just needed the push.


That's the tea sis!

;-; sorry its based around the two of them. But this drama had to happen sooner or later and I chose sooner.

It makes it easier for the rest of the story.

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