Chapter 9: For Me?

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WARNING: Foul Language 

Edited April 14, 2020

It's month five into Keith's pregnancy, and the two are cuddling up in their bed after Lance moved his things into Keith's apartment. "Babe, as much as I want you to finish drawing, it's almost midnight." Lance says and Keith sighs, knowing his boyfriend is right. "Alright you win. I'll go to bed." Keith smiles and sets his sketchbook on his nightstand along with his utensils and lays down on his side comfortably. Lance smiles and moves to bring Keith in close. Keith smiles and lets himself relax. "Thank you babe." Keith sighs in relaxation and Lance can feel him drift off to sleep. Lance falls asleep as soon as he knows his lover has fallen asleep.

Keith wakes up to the smell of bacon and eggs, he smiles and sits up looking at the time to see it's going onto 10. "Lance?" Keith calls out and Lance smiles as he puts food onto plates. "Yeah?" Lance calls back, he walks back to their room and Keith pulls out his laptop. "We should start getting the nursery together." Lance nods with a smile and hands him a plate. Keith smiles and sets his laptop aside, he's never been so hungry. Lance watches him eat and looks at the laptop screen. Seeing Keith looking at nursery ideas. Lance smiles and turns to Keith, "Okay I wasn't going to tell you so soon but I bought something already." Keith's eyes widen as he puts down his fork. "What do you mean?" Lance smiles and takes his phone from the nightstand and pulls up a photo from something he ordered online.

"I know you'd want the baby close to you in the first few months so I bought this crib." Keith looks over to see a crib that attaches to the bed and his eyes widen. A smile appears on his face, "For me?" Keith asks and looks at the photo more closely. Keith has tears forming and Lance leans over to kiss his temple. "Yes for you baby." Lance then chuckles, "You have this thing where you get over protected over your baby bump, and growl at people who come near you who aren't me or my family." Keith goes pink, "No I don't!" Keith tries to defend himself, Lance shakes his head. "Yes you do! You growled at your assistant the other day for accidentally pushing past you and grazed your back." Lance states and Keith goes crimson. "I just thought you'd like the baby bear you during those crucial months." Lance kisses his forehead once again and Keith just smiles leans up and kisses Lance on the lips. Lance smiles into the kiss and kisses back.

"Mm..." Lance groans and Keith smiles, "Baby, you need to eat." Keith's face falls and looks over at his food. "I know you wanted more baby but our baby needs to eat." Lance places his hand on the bump and Keith pouts but eats. "What colour would you like the nursery?" Lance asks as he looks at Keith's tabs on his laptop and takes a bite of his food. Keith thinks about it and smiles, "Well, I've had this picture in my head for a couple days. I really like purple." Keith says and Lance smiles, "Purple is nice, like a dark purple or a light purple?" Keith's smile changes into a fond one. "More of a pastel purple, so white can go with it." Lance nods and thinks about it (it's not like he had a choice anyways, Keith would of fought about it and would of had his way). "Yeah I like that, seems gender neutral." Keith nods and finishes his food. Lance decides that he should leave Keith to eat, he hears someone knock at the door and Lance goes up to go answer it.

"Adam what are you doing here so early?" Adam tiredly makes his way in their apartment. "Shiro, Curtis, and I went to go get something for the baby." Lance waits to ask for why he's so tired, "At a store two hours away from here. We got up at 5 and took Shiro forever to get there because he was driving like an elderly person." Adam glares as he hears Curtis and Shiro coming down the hallway, Curtis yelling something about pivoting the box. 

"What you guys get?" Adam sighs and moves to the couch, Lance chuckles as Curtis yells, "PIVOT, PIVOT." Adam groans and sniffs the air before falling into the couch. "HURRY THE FUCK UP SHIRO. WE CARRIED THIS FUCKING DRESSER UP 20 FUCKING FLIGHTS OF STAIRS." Lance bursts out laughing and Keith comes walking through. "What's going on?" Adam chuckles. "We just got back from picking up the dresser you ordered." Adam sighs and goes to the kitchen to make himself a coffee.

Lance looks to Keith with a stern and Keith nervously chuckles, "So I wouldn't of had a say anyways?" Keith walls up to him and hugs him, "I'm sorry, I saw it and I really wanted it." Adam takes a sip of his coffee. "Why didn't help bring up the dresser with them?" Adam sighs and sits back down on the couch. "We all alternated, I just happened to be free the last five flights. Spent most of the time yelling at Shiro with Curtis." Keith chuckles and rubs a hand over his baby bump. "SHIRO WHY'D YOU LET GO! SHIRO I'M UNDER IT YOU FUCKING IDIOT." Curtis snaps and everyone laughs. Curtis is the pushing the dresser up the stairs and Shiro is a couple steps higher and Shiro put it down for a second.

"Moving things with Curtis is interesting." Keith chuckles and turns to Adam, "Why's that?" Lance helps Keith move to the couch and Adam chuckles at the thought. "One, he gets annoyed really easily when moving things. Everything has to be perfect. Two, there's always going to be tension between us. Three, he's got a drunk sailors mouth. Four, he likes to boss people around when it comes to these things." Keith chuckles but nods. "Sounds like him." Keith goes and has his one cup of coffee that he's allowed to have for that day. "Baby hates my gut right now, won't stop moving." Keith says as he rubs his stomach lightly. Adam smiles and so does Lance. The three can hear Curtis and Shiro argue in the hallway and the three just ignore them.

It was a long morning for the three...


So here you go!

I thought posting pictures of the things the two buy for the baby would be a cool idea!

Here's the crib I was talking about!

Here's the crib I was talking about!

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