Chapter 12: Baby

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Edited April 14, 2020

Keith is sleeping soundly in Lance's arms, meanwhile Lance is browsing his Instagram and totally not looking at the time. Keith flutters his eyes open and smiles when Lance is reading an article on Keith and his new line. "Morning babe." Keith gets out and Lance let's him go so he can stretch and go use the bathroom. Keith lays there and turns to lay on his back. Lance smiles and puts his phone down. "Everything good? You usually go use the bathroom first thing in the morning." Lance smiles and Keith smiles and just looks at him. "I'm good, I just had a weird dream." Keith smiles though and it makes Lance curious. "What is it about?" Lance asks and Keith looks at him, "It was showing me how much I've changed." Lance looks at him with shock. "Changed?" Keith nods and sits up, "I really have changed a lot since we met and when I got pregnant." Keith puts on Lance's hoodie and stands up to go to his closet, "How have you changed?" Keith puts his long messy hair into a messy bun and Lance smiles.

"Before I met you, I was this closed off quiet person who hated social interaction. But being who I am I tolerated it, but now. I talk more and I get out and spend time with friends that I never had before." Lance smiles and watches Keith walk into the kitchen. "I was self conscious of my body, I hated having this womb but now? It's giving me the best gift I could ever receive." Keith turns Lance and smiles, "I had walls up Lance, you made it easy for me to take those walls down." Lance pulls Keith into a hug and he leans himself against the counter. "I used to be quiet and depressed most of the time, but now you brought happiness into my life." Keith looks up and Lance and gives him a kiss. Lance kisses him back and Keith pulls away. "I'm gonna make pancakes, baby really wants them." Lance chuckles and shakes his head. "Are you just using the baby as an excuse to have pancakes today?" Keith giggles and just starts making pancakes. "Okay... maybe half of my cravings are my cravings and not the baby's..." Keith confesses and Lance chuckles and takes over cooking. "It's okay babe, I knew all along. The baby's cravings are the really weird ones." Keith huffs and sits on the stool.

"Wanna think of baby names?" Keith asks and Lance stops what he's doing and turns to Keith with surprise. "Baby names? Sure." Lance smiles and scoops pancake batter into the pan. Keith then flinches and Lance sees it from the corner of his eye. "What's wrong?" Lance asks and Keith smiles, "The baby likes the idea of finally having a name." Keith chuckles and rubs a hand over the almost six month baby bump. Lance smiles and checks the bottom of the pancake. 

"What names were you thinking of?" Lance asks and places the cooked pancake on a plate. "For my names thought of; I got Takashi, Shiro is a big part of why I'm actually alive and I thought it would be a nice gesture. I really like Angelo and I really like Ryan." Lance smiles at the options. "Those are great, I'm happy we came into an agreement with one of those names." Keith goes wide eyed, "Really? Which one?" Lance smiles and places another pancake on the plate. "Takashi, he means a lot to you and he told me what happened in the past. I thought it would be nice to name our son after Shiro." Keith smiles, "Did we just decide our son's name?" Keith chuckles, Lance stops for a second and moves the pan and turns off the burner. He turns to Keith and kneels down in front of him placing both of his hands on his stomach.

"Do you like Takashi? Would you liked to be named Takashi?" Lance asks in the most calm voice ever and Keith immediately feels the baby kick. "Oh!" They both say at the same time. Lance looks up at his boyfriend and smiles, the baby just won't stop kicking. "He gave us his answer babe." Lance stands and gives him a quick kiss and Keith chuckles. "I guess so." Keith goes to the fridge and takes out the apple juice and goes to the shelf with the cups and pours two cups. "Hey lance?" Keith calls out, "Yeah babe?" Keith smiles at the thought, "How many children do you want?" Lance smiles and flips the pancake, "Hmm... To me three is perfect." Keith smiles and nods to himself, "I agree to be honest. Not too big and not to small. Just the right size, ya know?" Keith smiles at the thought of having more children.

"Damn Lance, you've changed me." Keith thinks to himself out loud. Lance smiles and turns off the burner and takes the plates to the table. "I hope it's a good change." Lance chuckles and Keith laughs, "Of course it is and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way." Keith pulls Lance into a kiss and Lance kisses back, "We should tell Shiro." Keith says and sits down in front of his pancakes, Lance smiles and sits down as well. "I agree, but when?" Keith pour syrup on his pancakes and Lance puts butter on his then syrup. 

"Well, he wanted to have dinner with me by ourselves but I want you there." Lance smiles, "Keith, you can tell Shiro yourself, it was your idea." Keith smiles, and takes a bite. "You have dinner with your brother, you two haven't spent time together since I popped back into your life. I think he misses you" Keith smiles and swallows his food. "Okay, it's tomorrow by the way." Lance smiles, "That works out just fine, Adam and I have to create a new routine tomorrow anyways." Keith nods and looks down at his food. "I'll be at the studio late tomorrow, Adam and I want to get this routine done by the end of the week so we can teach it to the students for our next flash." Lance smiles excitedly.

Here's one reason why Keith wished he wasn't pregnant, so he can dance too. Keith always had the secret passion for dancing. He watched Adam dance all the time, Adam taught him moves and in return Keith helped him with his art classes. Adam is not a great artist, and he knows that. Keith misses a lot of things from his old life, but no he's not having regrets. He's having the best gift by having this baby. He's gonna have a family of his own. Something he didn't properly have for ten years of his life and he's forever grateful that he has one now.


You're probably like, "She's posting a lot lately!"

Well I feel bad for not posting and I'm suddenly out of writers block and I have major plot twists and sudden things going to happen very soon.

Let me introduce myself! For those who don't know me, my name is Eliza. I'm 18, and I come from Canada. I love to write, it's my favourite thing to do. I Voltron with a passion, Klance is my favourite ship. I watch anime and listen to kpop (don't worry those things won't pop up in this book)! I read 24/7, Dirty Laundry is my favourite Klance fanfic. And I have a very dirty mind, blame fandoms for that.

I am openly bisexual to everyone except my family, I'm not really ready to come out to them just yet. I am single and looking for a partner.

I want to cosplay but broke af so I can't really cosplay but I am saving up to cosplay a character. I talked about this in my other book, my choices are Bakugo, Serenity (my Klance Love Child OC), and Hope (my Allura x Lotor Love Child OC).

I love cuddles and hugs, I will steal your hoodies and I love to watch Netflix and have popcorn.

My favourite food is pizza and popcorn; my favourite pizza is Hawaiian (I will fight you on this if you decided to pick a fight). I love movie theatre popcorn, I love kettle corn, I love stores just for popcorn.

I'm a little shy when we first meet, but once I get comfortable around you. I'll open up and become this bubbly girl who likes to be loud. I love to make friends but I'm just shy and scared to make a move or talk to people. So I'm really awkward in the beginning.

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