Letter 6

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Dear Noah,

I know it gets a little too much sometimes, and you don't want to deal with it anymore. Do you need respite?
I don't know.
There are days when you're too busy and I keep waiting for you to text back or call, and there are days when I'm busy and unable to contact you back. I know there are days when I let you down too but at the end of the day, we're going to be fine and you know that.

Maybe sometimes we are pensive about everything. Is it a bane or a boon?
I don't know.
I will wake up tomorrow, and everything will be fine but all these questions will still be unanswered.
Do I want an answer?
I don't know.
But what I know is we're going to be fine because I'll stick with you through thick and thin.
It's not always sunshine and rainbows anyway, right?
Stay with me and we'll make it through. I promise.

I love you.


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