Letter 2

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Dear Noah,

It has been a while since I have written anything for you. Maybe because we had been meeting very frequently past month. I may not tell you how perfect you are to me or how your lopsided smile warms my heart. I want you to know that I cherish every moment I spend with you, be it our endless conversations or our futile banters. I always imagined to have someone who'll not only love me but also respect me in every way possible be it my choices, my thoughts or my point of view. Someone who would never judge me for what I do or why I do it, someone who loves me for who I am when the world is asleep. Someone with whom I can be me. I don't have to incessantly try hard to be perfect in his eyes, he'll love me for who I am.

I found you. Just like how imagined, like you're the embodiment of my imagination. Honestly, I never saw you coming, although we've been friends for so long. Even after all these years of me constantly trying to search for 'the one' while you were here all along. You know what they say 'You love who you love'.

I love you.

I will always look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, conquering any obstacle that comes our way. No matter what you'll find me by your side. Always.


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