Letter 9

57 3 0

Dear Noah,

Does it ever feels like everything is slipping through the tips and no matter how much you tighten your grip you cannot stop it?

I don't know if it's the fact that I'm PMSing or it really has come to it but it feels empty. You and me while we're not together, doesn't feel like us. Maybe it's just life, we're so preoccupied in everything it sometimes feel like we forget to even acknowledge each other. The only time I really feel the presence of you in my life is when I see you, no calls , no texts but when I actually see you, when I can actually feel the heat emanating from your body standing next to you, or when you hold my hand, my heart still skips a beat. The feel of your eyes on me, the little banters and your heart warming lopsided smile. All this feels like us. Like we exist. 

I think now I have understood how complicated a long distance relationship is. I don't know how are we even going to manage in future. I hope it doesn't breaks us, because it can be arduous and lethargic. Let us hope for the best.

I love you.


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