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-No one's POV-

"Important Announcement" posted on Mamrie's, Grace's, Tyler's, Hannah's, Jenna's, Troye's, Superwoman's, Joey Graceffa's, Connor Franta's channels.

-video video-

Tyler Oakley (TO): "Well hello there!"

Hannah Hart (HH): "Gigibooboop!"

Lily/Superwoman (L): "What up? It's your girl Superwoman!"

Troye Sivan (TS): "Hey guys."

Connor Franta (CF): "Can we not go through all of our opening remarks? This will take forever."

Grace Helbig (GH): "Fine, -bleep- you Connor. Hey guys, this is not a normal collab. And I don't mean because there's a lot of us, but um-"

Mamrie Hart (MH): "Grace, it'll take forever for you to even get to the point. Alright guys, this isn't a prank."

Jenna Marbles (JM): "Yeah guys, this is real -bleep- we're talking about."

L: "So we'd like you awesome people to take it seriously."

TO: "Please. It's difficult for us to even talk about."

-Tyler's eyes start to water, and he goes to hug Troye, who fully embraces him-

JM: "Alright, guys I'm cutting to the chase. We screwed up. Well on-"

TS: "Stop talking. Mamrie go."

MH: "Well, we had a party, all of us a couple of nights ago.... And someone did some pretty bad drugs/things at the time. We don't know."

-Hannah throws her hands up in exasperation-

HH: "It doesn't matter who, we're all going to jail."


-after 3 minutes, Grace speaks up-

GH: "Yes, we're actually going to prison. All of us."

L: "We all go in a couple of weeks, so we won't be posting videos for a while.... Our estimated time in jail is 3 years, or less if all goes well."

-Connor runs his hands through his hair-

CF: "My family's gonna kill me."

-Connor walks out of the frame-

-jumpcut and Connor's back in the frame-

GH: "The only reason we're making this video together, is because there is a possibility that one or more of us isn't going to be a YouTuber after this."

-Grace covers her mouth and starts to cry-

GH: "I'm sorry... I just... God. The thought of not doing this for that long. I...I'm sorry that one of us screwed it all up. Oh my god, we're going to jail.... What the hell."

TS: "So... We ask that you do not try to visit us, because we would have to put you on the visitors list, and we each get 8 people to put on our visitors list, and we need to see our family and loved ones..."

HH: "Even though you are my family, you will always be. But, I guess this is goodbye for a while..."

-Hannah's eyes water as well-

-Lily takes the camera off the stand-

L: That is a wrap.

-passes it to Mamrie-

MH: Adios, putamadres.

-passes it to Tyler-

TO: Eat something with ranch when you think of me.

-Passes to Troye-

TS: Thank you for all of your support

-passes to Joey-

JG: Shoey is forever!

-passes to Connor-

CF: bye guys... I'll really miss you.

-passes to Grace-

GH: Grester is real.

-everyone gasps-

TO: Who are we kidding? We knew.

GH: "We've been dating for the past six months. We were going to tell you soon... But yeah. Hopefully this goodbye isn't forever guys."

-passes to Hannah-

HH: "Hartbig used to be real. We dated for three years."

-everyone gasps-

TO: "None of us knew that."

JG: "Guys! Why didn't you tell us!"

-Grace glares at Hannah-

-a millisecond of Grace yelling at Hannah-


HH: "To be honest, I wouldn't be going to jail right now if I stayed in Japan... But the memories and adventures I've had for the past few years cover it. Goodbyes aren't forever. You say them so the next time you see those people, you can give them a proper hello. Bye guys."

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