Numero Cuatro

482 31 14

-Hannah's POV-

Prison is not that bad today. I mean, it's surreal. Besides Mr. Healy, the people I've met seem alright, even though they did some crazy shit.

I understand why Grace could be mad at me, but maybe we can work it out. The prison orientation is after dinner, so I will have a while to go. Right now, I am having lunch with a group Alex introduced me to. "This is Nicky, Red, Morello, Yoga Jones, and Sister."

I smile at them, and the one who I presume as Sister speaks up, "So, what happened that got you in here, Hart?"

"Well, my friends and I are YouTubers, and-"

"What is YouTuber?" Red asks, and I remember that this is prison, not Vidcon. Not everyone knows what YouTubers are, much less YouTube.

"Well, YouTubers are people who make videos on YouTube, which is a video-sharing website."

"Is that a real job?" Yoga Jones chuckled as she asked this. I understand where they're coming from. Not a lot of people understand what and how YouTubers earn money. Most people just think it's a hobby.

"Well, we earn money from the ads that play in front of our videos. It's called Monetization."

Alex and Morello nod in understanding, but I think the rest of the table was confused. "So, really, I am a short film-maker." I left it at that.

"So, how long have you been in here?"

"A while," most of them said at once.

"A couple days," Alex answered.

After I finished eating, I threw my trash away. A woman came up to me as I was up.

"You look exactly like this girl on YouTube I used to watch..." She examined me with her eyes.

"Hannah Hart?" I asked, and she said, "Yes! She got drunk in the kitchen!" I never thought one of my viewer family members would've gotten into prison. I always thought they were teenagers, from who I've met at Playlist Live and Vidcon.

"That's me," I said, and she hugged me.

"This is crazy. You never seemed like the prison type... I'm Taystee by the way." She shook my hand, and walked away. I could only think of that one phrase for the rest of the time.

You never seemed like the prison type.

I never thought I was the prison type either. But youtube changes you. Or is the phrase 'prison changes you'? Badum bum chei (my attempt at doing the drum thing).
When I return, I notice a woman with bright orange hair has joined the table. "Welcome back Hart, this is Red."
I nodded my head and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
She seemed taken aback. "Woah, this one's got manners. I like you, Hart." She slid me a yogurt, and then walked away.
"Red's the cook," Nichols explained while opening her yogurt. I open mine as well. I glanced at Alex, who seemed to have been staring at me until I noticed. I got up to throw away my finished yogurt, and proceeded to the kitchen.
"What are you doing here?" One girl asked me. This caused the rest of the kitchen to look up at me, including Red.
"It's okay. She's fine." Red said, motioning for me to come over.
"I just wanted to thank you for the meal and the yogurt. It must be hard to work in this kitchen every day and try to make due with what the government gives you. You clearly are very resourceful." She started to smile, and it broadened with every sentence.
"Thank you, Hart."
When lunch is over, I made my way back to my bunk. Walking down the hallways, I heard voices that sound familiar. A group of new prisoners had just come in with Morello, and one blonde-haired woman popped out to me, probably because of her height.
"So, Morello, where do you think we can find the-" she stopped giggling the moment she saw me.
Alright guys... I was gonna make this longer, but I hadn't updated in a while because of the 5 other books I'm working on simultaneously.... Well, I hope you enjoyed this, if you REALLY did, please comment and vote whatever you would like, because hey, Wattpad's a free country. Alright loves, I will catch you on the flip side.

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