The Falling

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Reader's PoV

I calmly walked the buzy streets of New York, watching people scurry past, listening to the heavy traffic as cars tried to outtake each other, too anxious to get on with their day.

So many people, so many lives and yet I can't help but feel so alone. I look up to see so many wings, not one pair the same, so many colours, sizes. I envy them. The angels. The immortals. They don't have to worry about anything as they get everything given to them whenever they want. I always wished to be like them, to be free, to ride the winds, at peace with everything......but the key word is wished. Because I learned that we, us humans, never get what we wish for. Compared to the immortals, we have to scrape by to survive.

Nothing really matters anymore. Our lives don't matter. Our lives go by so quickly, we're like ants, walking about on autopilot, keeping the economy running.


We don't keep the economy running.

The archangels and the immortals do that. We are just bonuses. Building machines, making new equipment, making lives easier for them.

I'm almost home, in a quieter part of New York. A more peaceful area. There's no noise, no traffic, barely any people. And the people that do live here are friendly. A small welcoming community we've built for each other.

I'm almost at the door, when something extremely bright and shiny falls close by. Startled, I spin towards the object, to find it a person. No. Not a person. An angel.

I have never seen an angel like him. His hair and wings reflect the light from the sun, and its so bright, it almost blinds me.

Quickly, I rush over, falling on my knees next to him, desperately trying to find out if the fallen angel is fine. On closer inspection, I notice that his hair and wings look like crushed diamonds, the sun flickering from his wings and hair. He has such flawless fearures (which isn't a surprise, since all immortals are so beautiful). I tried to wake him up, with no success.

My car is being repaired, so I can't drive him to help. I couldn't have, even if I did have my car. His wings would have been too big. Not knowing what to do, I ring the Tower as that is where most immorals are located, they should know what to do. After a while, it goes to voicemail, so I redial. Again, and again, and again, I don't get an answer. So I give up.

Taking matters into my own hands, I decide to bring him into my home. It shouldn't be a problem as I have a very large and spacious house. I never liked small houses. They make me feel very claustrophobic, like I'm trapped, always on the verge of a panic attack.

Trying my best to haul him up, that being a difficult task as his wings are extremely heavy and him having huge muscle weight, I manage to get him up, being careful of his wings. Angels have extermly sensitive wings and they don't like them being touched.

Somehow managing to get him inside, I get him onto my large bed, since I don't have anything else to rest him on that supports wings.

Knowing that his wounds will heal in a matter of time anyway, i clean and bandage them. You can never be too careful.






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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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