11 (Keith)

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This one is short, but I assure you, there's some good stuff coming :)

The day after Christmas was far less hectic than the day prior. Breakfast had almost no turnout, but Hunk protested that everyone should've come, because 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day'. The only members from the Paladins and MFEs who turned up were Hunk, Pidge, Romelle, James, Leifsdottir and me. Everybody else was sleeping or wasn't hungry enough after the colossal lunch. 

James and I hadn't really spoken since the party. I felt what seemed like a romantic spark between James and I was dwindling into something more platonic and peer-like than what I'd felt the day before the dance, and I mourned it. Feeling like I'd clicked with someone properly, like I could be with someone, as though someone would want me. A dejected, lonesome 'emo kid' with trust issues. And my short-lived clasp on that experience intrigued me. 

"James," I nudged him. "Can we talk?" He nodded, his eyebrows peaked. We got up and ditched our trays, and I led him into the kitchen, which was empty aside from Pidge's dog. 

"So..." I began, unsure of how to address him. "About us..."

"Us?" James asked, his lips pursing. 

"Yeah. What happened the night before the party and during the party. I... felt something. But over the past few days, I guess it's gone away a bit? And I don't know how I feel about that. But I suppose I'm asking about your stance on whether we should keep that up, or part ways, I guess, romantically." I managed to say quite eloquently. I felt I shouldn't pressure him into anything.

"Keith..." James started. "I don't know what to say. You're a great person. I was wrong about you at the start. I was a douche. And now, after a few years, I'm glad things settled well. But I don't know if I want to pursue a romantic relationship or not, if you get me? Can we be sort of on hold? Until I've come to a decision? If you don't want that, I understand."

"I understand you. And I don't mind if that's what you want, but I also can't confirm that I'll want to come back to this in a few months' time. As friends, sure, but I don't know how I'll feel... romantically... by then." I evaluated. 

"Okay. We can come back to it, and see how things fall, I suppose. Friends?" He held his hand out.

"Of course." I shook it graciously. We departed the kitchen and decided to pass into a training room. On the way we met Lance, Kinkade and Pidge.

"Hey guys," I gave a half-hearted smile. 

"Hey," Pidge greeted us. "Lance is taking Kinkade out in Red, so I'm using the hangars being open as an opportunity to check up on Green. Where are you guys going?"

"Training room," James announced.

"Seriously? You guys are training, like, all the time," Lance said incredulously. "Shouldn't you take a break sometimes?"

"No pain, no gain," James insisted, holding his fist out to me, which was only met with befuddlement. I was unsure of what he was expected. "You... like..." He carefully took my wrist. "Okay, make a fist," I did. "And bam! That's a fist bump." 

"Keith has always been a little slow to grasp concepts like that," Lance informed him, probably thinking the same as me; back to the 'I say Vol, you say Tron' cheer he'd tried to establish when we first started being Paladins. 

"Yeah," I confirmed sheepishly. "Can we just go? We're holding you guys up anyway. See you later. And have a good time," I pulled James away down the corridor and we turned into the training room.

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