Hajime X Reader - Birthday Love

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Happy birthday to one of the best boys!! Reader's gender not mentioned.
"Hmm, what should I get Hajime for his birthday?..."

"He isn't really particular about anything, I think. I know most of the class are getting him ties, and I got him a game. You're his lover, YN. You need to get him something that stands out."

You and Chiaki were shopping for your boyfriend's birthday present. Chiaki has known him longer than you have, so you brought her along to help you pick out a gift. It was just a few days after Christmas, so all the stores had sales, but also half empty shelves.

"Ugh, it's so hard shopping for him! Especially since this is his first birthday since we got together, it needs to be extra special!" You pouted slightly, then sat on the fountain in the middle of the mall's courtyard. Chiaki sat next to you and paused her game so she could look you in the eyes.

"YN, Hajime loves you, I know he does because he's ranted to me about, and I quote, 'how freaking amazing' you are. He'll love anything you get him, but I know you wanna take it seriously. Maybe you should get him a present that let's him know you're serious? Maybe..."

Your eyes lit up with an idea. You told it to the pink haired girl and she nodded enthusiastically, then you two got up and ran.

~time skip brought to you by "tsuntsun hair"~

It was New Year's Eve, and Hajime wasn't home. You and the rest of the class had planned a surprise party, and it was extremely difficult for you to not utter a word to Hajime the past few days. Kazuichi and Nagito had dragged the birthday boy somewhere or other earlier in the day so that you could set up decorations in his house. At first, the plan was to break into his house at some point in the evening (suggested by Ibuki), but then you revealed that you had a house key, so an actual surprise party was brought together. Ibuki and Chiaki were in charge of the music, Mahiru in charge of gathering games the others had requested, Teruteru and Peko were in charge of food, and you, Sonia, and Nekomaru were in charge of decoration. The rest of the class were either helping or lounging around.

"Ah, my dark queen, allow me to assist." Gundham was following Sonia around like a lost puppy, since bright, crowded spaces weren't particularly his forte. He took the banner Sonia was trying to put up and had his Dark Devas tie it up. Sonia smiled and thanked him, then gracefully strode to do her next chore, Gundham scrambling to follow after his hamsters came back.

You were giggling at their antics when your phone buzzed. Taking it out of your (pocket/bag), you read the text message.

Soda Pop: 10 min away

You stood on a chair in the crowded living room, cupped your hands, and shouted, "Alright, guys! Kazuichi said that they're 10 minutes away! Start getting ready to hide!" As soon as you jumped down, chaos insued. People were rushing to get the last of the decor up, find a hiding place, and turn the lights off.

You poked your head into the kitchen near the back of the house. The island was full of small sandwiches, gorgeous fruit trays, and Hajime's favorite treat, kusa mochi. "Teru, Peko, they're gonna be here in about eight minutes. Keep the noise down, ok? I'll make sure no light is showing.

Teruteru turned to look at you, a tray of sweets in his hands. "Alright, darling. I'll be as quiet as possible~" He winked at you, then went back to work. Peko nodded silently. You had grouped them together because you knew Peko was immune to Teruteru's flirting. It seemed to be working.

Your phone vibrated again. About 4 min. The living room was dim, and only small chatter could be heard. You stood in the entrance way. "We have only a few minutes left. Are you ready to make this the best birthday party ever!?" Everyone cheered in response, then quieted down once you flipped off the rest of the lights and took position near the light switch.

After what felt like hours but was only a few anxious minutes, the door unlocked, then opened.

"Alright Kazuichi, see ya-"


You flipped the lights on as everyone jumped out of hiding, Akane and Ibuki releasing party poppers into Hajime's face. He screamed and jumped, bumping into Nagito behind him, who luckily caught Hajime before he fell.

"Happy birthday!" You all yelled as Hajime caught his balance. You ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"We planned a surprise party for you," you told him, almost bouncing from excitement.

His face softened as he smiled at you. "Yeah, I was wondering why Kazuichi and Nagito had asked me out so suddenly." You took your boyfriend by the hand and led him inside, the two behind him following and shutting the door.

"Let's get this party started!!" Ibuki yelled as Chiaki hit play on the disk they had brought. One of Hajime's favorite songs played, and the party burst to life. Mahiru brought Twister, Cards Against Humanity, and some multiplayer games (recommended by  Chiaki).

After many festivities and way too much food, the countdown to the New Year had begun.

"5... 4... 3... 2... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

As soon as he said that, Hajime wrapped his arms around you and kissed you. In that moment, nothing else seemed to be real. Your senses were enveloped with Hajime's scent, the feel of him under your warm hands, lips to lips. It was intoxicating.

Once you broke the kiss and stood against each other, panting, Fuyuhiko yelled, "Get a room," as if he hadn't been making out with Peko a moment before.

Looking around, you noticed many of the other couples were either kissing or just close together. The few who were either single (Kazuichi) or their lover wasn't around at the moment either stood awkwardly, were just friendly hugging each other, or moping (Kazuichi).

You looked back into your beloved's green eyes, then pulled something out of your pocket. "Hajime, my New Year's resolution is to shower you in my love and affection, to be there for you no matter what, and to show you that I am serious about you." You wrapped your arms around his neck and clasped the metal necklace together. You pulled your own half of the necklace out of your shirt, then looked back up at him.

Hajime was speechless. He looked like he was about to cry. "Uh, Hajime?..." You reached a tentative hand toward him.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around you tightly. "Ohmygoshyouresofreakingadorableimsoluckytohaveyou!!!"

You giggled and hugged him back. "Hajime, don't scared me like that!" You put your hands on his chest and gently pushed him away so you could breathe.

"Sorry, sorry." He twisted the half heart and hand cuff charms in his fingers, then, smiling widely, connected both of your hearts together, forming the words "Partners in Crime."

"I had to grab cheap necklaces from Hot Topic since I forgot to go shopping until a few days ago," you explained bashfully. Hajime kissed you again, then squished your cheeks.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Hajime."

I meant to finish this yesterday but then got sick so I'm currently writing this while having a fever of 100°

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