Chihiro - Strength

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ahhhhh Chihiro is so cute!! There's not many Chihiro fics, so I decided to help out. Spoilers for chapter 2 of Trigger Happy Havoc. (If you haven't even gotten past that, why are you here?...) Reader is female.
"So I do 5 times 31, then root it?"

"Yep, that's how it works."

You punched the numbers into your calculator, then wrote down the answer you got. You and Chihiro were working on math homework, with Chihiro doing most of the work since she was better at it than you were.

You put the calculator down and sighed, slumping forward on the table. "Ugh, this makes no sense! No offense, Chihiro."

Chihiro smiled softly. "None taken." She put her pencil down. "Maybe we should take a break? You seem pretty worn out, YN."

"...sure, why not? My brain feels like mush." You stretched, then shook your head to clear it. "Do you wanna bake some cupcakes? You like baking, don't you?"

Chihiro nodded. "I-i also like cupcakes!"

You grinned, then stood up and gently ruffled Chihiro's brown hair. "You're so cute, you know that?" You turned to start getting stuff ready to make cupcakes.

Chihiro blushed and chuckled nervously. "Th-thanks..." She got up and helped make the cupcakes.

~time skip brought to you by cupcakes~

The two of you had finished making the cupcakes. They were (favorite flavor) with vanilla frosting and delicious. You were sitting on your couch, a plate of cupcakes between yourself and Chihiro.

"And then he was like oh no, you caught me!" You continued with your story, taking a bite into the cupcake in your hand every few sentences. Chihiro nodded, as if listening, but seemed to be a million miles away.

You looked at her worriedly. "Chihiro, are you ok? You look kind of upset."

Chihiro snapped up. "I-I'm fine! Just, uh, have a lot on my mind..." She slumped again, fidgeting with the cupcake wrapper in her hands.

You cocked your head to the side. "Wanna talk about it?"

Chihiro bit her lip, deep in thought. "S-sure. It's a lot, though."

"It's fine. I'm here for you."

Chihiro smiled towards her lap. "I know..." She took a deep breath, then looked you in the eyes, her gaze wavering only slightly. "YN, I envy your strength. You're always so steadfast, and nothing ever brings you down. You're always there whenever someone needs you. I want to be like you. I've been weak and small my entire life, but I wanna change that, so I have something to tell you... YN, I'm not a girl."

You were shocked, then regained your composure. "So... you're trans?"

Chihiro shook her head quickly. "No, no. I'm not trans. It's more like... I'm crossdressing? I was born male, but I was bullied so much that I decided being a girl was easier. So I've been presenting myself as female for a few years,  but I don't want to anymore. I'm tired of being seen as weak, so I'm going to stop hiding. I'm a male, both biologically and mentally."

You thought for a moment. "...Ah. Do you want he/him pronouns?"

Chihiro nodded. "Only in private until I tell everyone else, though."

"Do you want to tell everyone?"

"As soon as I can."

"Well, you told me. Do you want me with you when you do it?"

"I don't want you right beside me, but yeah, close. I'm going to tell the class as soon as I have the strength to do it." Chihiro smiled to himself, then took another cupcake and bit into it.

You softly took his warm hand in your own, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb comfortingly. "I'm so proud of you, Chihiro. I'll always be by your side, got it?"

Chihiro blushed. "Th-thank you, YN." His hazel eyes began tearing up.

"Aw, come here." You moved the plate of cupcakes, then wrapped the small boy in your arms, swaying side to side.

Chihiro looked up at you, tears streaming down his cheeks, yet smiling. "You're the best friend I've ever had, YN. I know that some of our classmates won't react as well, but with you, I know I'll have the strength to stand. I love you so much." His eyes widened as he realized what he had said, then he buried his face in your chest, face bright red and warm.

You laughed softly. "I love you too, Chihiro. I have for a while, but I thought you only like guys, so I kept quiet." You gently brought Chihiro's face up with one hand, the other still on his back. You wiped the tears from his cheeks, then spoke quietly. "May I kiss you?"


You ever so gently brought your lips to Chihiro's. He smelled like vanilla and tasted like the cupcakes you had just made. He was timid at first, then melted into the soft kiss, pressing against you more. After a moment, you gently drew away. Chihiro's hazel eyes stared back up at you, wide and unwavering.

"That... that was amazing... it was my first kiss." He buried his face in his hands, still blushed.

"I love you, Chihiro."

"I-i love you too, YN."

~time skip yet again~

It was a few days later. Chihiro had decided he was strong enough to tell the class his real gender. You gave him a tight hug before class, then the two of you walked in and took your seats.

When the teacher walked in, Chihiro got up and spoke to her quietly. The teacher nodded, said a few more words, then went to her desk to begin getting things set up while Chihiro sat back down, looking nervous. After the morning routine, the teacher nodded towards Chihiro.

Chihiro stood in front of the class. He looked towards you, and you gave him a brief thumbs up. He took a deep breath, then began. He told the story of how he was bullied and called weak his entire childhood. Once he got to the big reveal, his eyes were watering. The entire class was silent with shock, then someone asked if he was trans. He explained why he wasn't trans, then wiped his eyes and stood up tall.

"I'm going to be strong. After class, I'm going to get my boy's uniform, and I would like you to acknowledge my existence as a boy starting now. Thank you." With that, he hurriedly sat back down at his desk, breathing hard.

After a few minutes of the teacher continuing on with the lesson, Chihiro turned towards you. You mouthed 'I love you' at him, then he blushed and turned away.

I love him so much.
Remember, requests are open! Thanks for reading ♡

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