10: Examination

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(A/N Hi, it's the person who wrote this rubbish, I'd just like to thank ya'll for 800 reads, you guys are so nice _
Now, onto the horrible chappy)

((A/N Yes, just to clarify, I don't like Mineta as his character borders sexual harassment. But everyone has always wondered how he passed, so I wrote that in mostly for laughs.))

noun- A detailed inspection or study.


The next week went by in a flash and before anyone knew it, the U.A entrance exams were here. Katsuki had shown his support to Izuku by just plain avoiding him. Izuku had been confused by this but was honestly glad about it.


Beep~ Beep~ Be~

Katsuki broke his alarm clock and sat up, he stretched his arms and yawned slightly.

"STOP BREAKING THE FUCKING ALARM CLOCKS!" Mitsuki shouted across the hallway.

"Dear, coul~" Masaru got cut off by his son shouting.

"I'LL DO WHAT I WANT BITCH." Katsuki shouted back. The blonde proceeded to then grunt and stand up.


Izuku woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. He stirred in his bed and sat up, smiled and stretched. Izuku got up and put on his tracksuit.

For some reason Izuku was pretty calm about this, normally he be panicking and be mumbling like crazy, but the practice and the fact that he hadn't really been talking to anyone much had boosted his chances.

-Timeskip cause I'm lazy and want to get this chapter out-

The time was about 1:30pm, the exam had just began. Izuku had locked eyes with Katsuki once, Izuku had given him a small smile however Katsuki just turned away and grunted.

As he was approaching the school gates, Izuku tripped but something had caught him. The greenette cocked his head, hoping that it had been Katsuki however it was just a girl.

"Hello, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to use my quirk on you." She said with a bright smile.

"Oh, it's okay." Izuku smiled back at her.

The girl then put her fingers together, "Release." Izuku then stumbled onto his feet. "I'm Uraraka by the way! I'll see you around?" She held out her hand.

Izuku shook it, "Yeah, maybe." He replied. Uraraka then walked off.


Exam time. Izuku freaked out, he got so nervous and started bumbling like crazy, so much that another student told him to stop. Izuku was too preoccupied to even notice when the gates had opened and the exam had started.

When he got in there he decided to use all of his practice with his fire quirk. He'd found that he could form his own fire and use fire around him, so that was useful.

"Don't you have the ability to control things with your mind too?" The annoying bitch who won't leave me alone asked. "Harsh..." She pouted.

"Yeah, but I was given that quirk by All For One, remember." I replied to her, slowly, like she was losing the plot.

"It's you who is losing the plot... Writing down your life story and everything we say. You know the heroes could use this, right?" The bitch said.

"Whatever, what are the so called heroes gonna do about it anyway?" I asked.

"Whatever, just continue to write like your running out of time." The bitch said, still looking at my page.

Izuku melted a few robots with his quirk to try and get a few points, when it seemed like he had enough he thought he'd just stop and rest for a little bit. However he heard a loud pitched scream coming from across the street.

Izuku, being the nice-

"Nice?" The bitch said sarcastically.

"I used to be." I said to her, sticking my tongue out.

"Whatever, I'm leaving now, oh and we have a meeting tonight." She stood up.

"Oh okay, what time?" I asked, obviously oblivious.

"You were the one who organised it. 6:30pm." She said, gritting her teeth and walking out.

"Oh, okay." I called.

Izuku, being the nice guy he was, ran towards the sound of the screaming. It turns out, it was one of those 0 pointers. (The huge, massive ones).

The girl that had helped him earlier, was the person who'd screamed. Why did she scream you ask? Well, if you had watched the first episode of My Hero Academia then you'd know.

She was trapped underneath the giant robot, and assuming that you know what happens already then it doesn't need to be-

But oh wait.

It didn't happen like that.

Izuku had blanked out at the worst possible second, he was going to run towards the robot and try to help but he just wouldn't move. (Quite different huh?)

(A/N Have you ever wondered how Mineta passed? Well, in my version, you'll find out.)

Izuku heard someone speak, they had a lisp to their voice. They sounded like a 5 yr old. Izuku turned his head to see a tiny boy with purple balls on his head walking towards the 0 pointer.

"Oh, sweet maiden, I will save you! Then, you'll be mine." The purple boy proclaimed.

Izuku shivered, but at this point he actually wanted to see how this would play out. The grape ran towards the 0 pointer, he placed some of his balls onto the ground (which was probably his quirk) and bounced onto them. The small boy then used more of the same balls to climb his way up the machine. Grape boy then placed sticky balls onto the 0 pointer's eyes and then both of its hands. (Just go with it). This caused the machine to stumble backwards and then fall over. It then put it's hands onto the floor, causing it to get stuck. The purple boy then walked over to Uraraka and helped her up.

All the while, Izuku was mumbling about the purple boy's quirk, trying to figure out how it worked.

"Oh, well, thankyou." Uraraka smiled at him.

Izuku was watching this, dumbfounded. This weird guy actually had a pretty decent quirk.

-Bell rings-

"The examination is over. Thankyou all for coming and we hope to see some of you in class. Your letters will come within a month of this exam." A loudspeaker announced.


(A/N I wanted to do something different to the classic, Deku saves Uraraka. So, yeah.)

Word count: 1065

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