14: Gone

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Gone~ verb: past participle of 'go' no longer present; departed.

Soon, all the students had gathered in one place, just staring at what was going on. They were all frozen in fear.

If this was what it was to be a hero, half of them didn't want to do it.

Suddenly they were all pulled back into reality by the sound of Aizawa's voice.

"Fucking hell, IIDA, RUN AND GET BACKUP. THE REST OF YOU—." Before the teacher could finish his sentence the purple mist engulfed the all.

Katsuki and some redhead got taken into one place.

Whereas Izuku and a frog and the purple bitch were engulfed into a different part.

"Kacchan..." Izuku whispered to himself.

That might've been one of the last times he ever saw his face.


"Where is that Iida boy. He should've been here by now..." Aizawa angrily snarled whilst fighting off the other second rates.


All students made their way back (well almost) to the teleportation point.

They all just stood there, awkwardly wondering what was going to happen next.

"SO, YOU LIKE MY LITTLE PET?" The man who REALLY needed lip-balm shouted.

He was a little fucker who took my Kacchan away, let me be a little harsh.

(Until next time)

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