19. Thankyou

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noun. an instance or means of expressing thanks...


"Kacchan?" I shouted stopping in my tracks.

"Hey, Zuki..." Katsuki said, pulling from the crowd and making his way towards me.

I examined his face. His eyes were dead but with the slightest glint of a murderer... His body was slumped and covered in scars and bruises. Katsuki's clothes were ripped and jagged. They looked old and worn down.

"Kacchan, what did they do to you." I said, my eyes filling with tears. "All this time I thought that you were..."

"Dead?" Katsuki laughed manically. "That's what the 'heroes' led everyone to believe. When they stopped looking for me, I gave into 'them'. Don't you see Zuki, 'they' saved me." Katsuki twitched.

"Saved? SAVED YOU? You look like you're half dead." I shouted at him. I slapped him right in the face and he stumbled a little. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD. You had me worried..." I held out my arms.

Katsuki slowly came forward and hugged me back. I cried into the crook in his neck.

"Zuki... I'm here now. It's still me..." Katsuki tried to assure me. I looked back at him, but...

"It isn't you. This isn't the Kacchan I knew." I pushed him towards the edge of the building. He hung from the edge as I held on tightly to his jacket.

"No, I'm not." Katsuki said, a sorry look crossing his face.

"Moment of truth Kacchan... Who are you. A villain, a murderer with no ideals. Or my Kacchan..." My eyes filled with tears that streamed down my face. But this had to be done.

"I'm not your Kacchan anymore... I guess that makes me a villain. A murderer with no ideals..." Katsuki admitted.

I pulled him in for a kiss, which he accepted. I was going though so many emotions, I just couldn't think properly... I pulled away and let him dangle again.

"I love you Kacchan..." I cried, letting his jacket go.

"I know you do..." Katsuki said, hitting the ground right after. "Thankyou..."

(a/n and that is it. i apologise for the rushed plot/ending/and everything. if this book makes you angry then don't worry- i feel the same way lmao. i remember writing three chapters in one afternoon or something like that because i NEEDED to get this finished. i had a good idea and it kinda fell flat so i'm REALLY sorry about wasting your time. if you actually enjoyed/was amused by this mess then thats cool too! anyway imma log out of this account now, be back in a year or something)

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