11: Acceptance

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But I really do appreciate it (*∀≦*)
Now, onto the chappy)

noun- The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.

It had been 3 weeks since the exam and Izuku was still anticipating the letter. He kept spacing out and tapping his fingers on desks more often. Inko got even more worried about him and really hoped that Izuku would pass. Izuku hoped to pass as well.

The official letter came one night, Izuku was in his room, mumbling and rapidly tapping his fingers on his desk. Then he heard his mother shout him, which made him fall off the chair he was sitting on.

"I'm coming Mum." Izuku shouted back, scrambling to stand up.

The greenette rushed down the hall and grabbed the letter from his mother's hands. The boy almost burnt the letter in his hands from his excitement.

"Thanks." He ran back to his room to read the letter.

The greenette burnt a little corner of the letter and got worried, however when he got back to his desk and opened the letter he found a little disc. He pulled it out and tried to figure out how to turn it on but it didn-

"I AM HERE!" A projection of All Might flew out of the disc thing.

"A-All Might?" Izuku questioned, as he still looked up to this guy.

The All Might projection explained that Izuku had a really good quirk and how he had achieved enough points to get into UA. Izuku cried buckets, he cried loud enough for Inko to hear him. The woman came rushing into Izuku's room.

"Oh honey, did you get in?" Inko asked, doubtful. She went over to Izuku and hugged him.

"I did." Izuku said, still crying.

They both cried, he figured that this was the start of a new chapter in his life. Right, next chapter.

"Why do you write like you running out of time?" The bitch asked, walking in.

"Cause I am..." I laughed, knowing that my death was near.

A new chapter in his life, his career, his dream of becoming a he-

I can't write this bullshit...


Fucking hell...


(A/N I'm confused about the plot myself tbh ahaha...)

Word count: 387 ;)))

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