Part 10

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"Niall! Tommy! Food!" I made homemade pizza for my two favorite boys. "Hey babe." Niall says take a piece of pizza and kiss me on the cheek. "So you got something fun planes today. We are gonna see a psychic at 2:00." Tommy my 17 year old son dosent seem to happy,about leaving the wifi. But maybe he will be more upbeat about it later today.

"It's 1:30 so we better get going guys." Niall says grabbing the key and walking outside. Tommy and me closely followed and got in the car. Not a single word was said as you drive to the psychic.

{paychic house}

"Hello come in." A woman said she was dressed in bright colors and beads. "Hi I'm Niall and this is my wife Sam and son Tommy." "Nice to meet you. How about we get started!" My family and I sat around the crystal ball and wait. The woman must of took an hour rubbing that ball and making the weirdest faces.

"Um Tommy give me your hand." She finally said as tommy placed his hand on the ball. "Oh god! I never seen this." "Okay what is it." Niall says. He is such a dork for believing this stuff. But he is my dork. "Mis and Mr Niall your son possess. He has two soles. One of his own and one of man who goes by the name Liam Payne."

My heart skipped a beat could Liam really be living in Tommy's body. The idea that I did this to my only child broke my heart into a million bits. "No! for fucks sakes this can't be happening!" I said to myself.

"And by midnight to night Liam will have overpower Tommy. The only thing you can do is kill Tommy or live with it." "Okay lady your crazy there is no way I'm killing my son." Niall said standing up. "Come on let's go." But I just can't move because you know it's all my fault. I killed Liam who is gonna kill my son. "It's all my fault!" I screamed. "Sam what do you mean?" Niall says taking both my hands. "Oh Niall that night you got shot I went to Liam house. A-nd I killed him. I'm sorry I hid it for 18 years." I covered my face because Niall dose can't see a monster like me. "I'm a monster. The lady right Liam is in Tommy body." You cry into Niall's shoulder "Wait there one more thing we can do. Sam give me your hand." The old lady says as she takes my hand and places it on the crystal ball.

"I have to tell you guys more bad news."

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