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A/n: Hey guys I am really sorry about this chapter and I feel like writing this book I think this will be a short book so oof I hope you all like it.

Hello I am Y/N I am just a normal girl who has many fears I may look all cute a fun to be around but everyone leaves me and I only have a couple of friends who have stuck around my best friends name is (whatever your best friends name is but for now it is gonna be Allie cause I don't feel like typing that every time I mention her) Allie has been through so much with me she is like a sister to me and she knows that. I have a hard life at home my mom is always at work and my dad left when I was younger so my mom has to work and pay to feed me and our cat Cloe(Cloe is a smallish looking calico cat) I have had Cloe ever since my dog died and she reminds me so much of home but now we have to live in the city cause my mom's job moved us here they said she had to move if she wanted to earn more money than she was making I told her I liked it where we were staying and we have more fights while we are here but our fights never get that serious I have a hard time making friends and I never get to see any of them cause my mom makes me stay inside when I am not with her or at school. She told me the reason she won't let me leave the house is that I might get lost or kidnapped which I think she is just scared of losing me too. When I get home from school I walk in the house and my mom is home which is very unusual she is always at work and she had to go to work today when I walk in the runs to the door look out it closes and lock it then she closes the blinds to all the windows in the house "go to your room and don't come out" she said in a whispering tone "but what.." she didn't let me finish my sentence and she pushed me into my room once all that happened I heard screaming I ran to my door locked it and climbed out the window I didn't want to leave my mom there but there was nothing I could do about it I had to leave.

Mom's P.O.V

as I watch the men destroy my house one of them stopped at my daughter's room I couldn't help but to scream hopefully she will hide they try to get in but it is locked so one of them kick down the door "Sir she's not in here" the mans voice was quiet as if he was scared of what the other one would say "what do you mean she isn't in there? Look for her you idiot" the older man said he started slinging everything around the bed, the closet everything was a mess he was right she wasn't in there "that little girl doesn't know what she is capable of and it is night time she could be anywhere she could be dangerous "they both look at me angrily and pick me up putting me in their car, of course, I go willingly but scared cause Y/N couldn't have gotten far I hope she went to Allie's house.

Y/N's P.O.V

I run to Allie's house as fast as I can not looking back with tears streaming down my face I didn't know what to do or even if I should tell Allie and her parents what had happened I chose not to cause I can't as soon as I got to allies apartment door I whipped the tears away and knocked on the door "hey Allie I need to stay here for tonight my mom hasn't gotten home and when I got home from school the house was a mess so I decided to come here can I stay?" I ask trying to sound convincing "y-yeah are you okay? Do we need to call the cops?" she asked so many questions and every question I just said no too cause I was scared and I didn't know what to do or how to do it I haven't really been out of the house much or anything and I wondered where my mom was and if she was okay I just wanted to tell her that I loved her and why did she freak out? Did she know this was going to happen? So many questions fill my brain that I couldn't sleep that night I slept a little bit but that was before Allie woke me up for school she hit me with a pillow several times and threw clothes at me so I ran to the bathroom and put them on, washed my face and then went downstairs for so coffee I wanted answers to whatever was going on here but I was scared to ask any. The whole time we were at school I would see people I have never seen today when I went to the bathroom I noticed my eyes had a bluish glow to them I decided to shrug it off and walk to the cafeteria to get some food cause I was starving cause I haven't eaten ever since yesterday morning when I got to the cafeteria I could smell some type of meat that I have never smelled before I have always been able to smell things far away and I don't know why or how but it is just a gift I have. When I get up to the line I ask for the meat and go sit down at a table alone well I thought I was alone till this boy came and sat next to me his creepy smile made me uncomfortable "what is a pretty girl like you doing sitting at a lunch table all alone?" he asked with a smirk on his face "umm I like to sit alone away from creeps like you so if you don't mind I would like it if I stayed alone at this table" I say sliding away from him "oh that's cute sweetie but no I can't leave cause you know I think your really cute and I am the kind of guy who gets what they want" he says sliding uncomfortably close to me so close that I can feel his breath hit my face "yeah well I am the kind of girl who doesn't like creeps so get away from me" I say getting up, grabbing him by his hair and pulling him out of his seat. At the end of the day I felt so mad cause he was bothering me a lot everytime I would see him in the hall he would try and talk to me but I ignored him.

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