Chapter 22: unleashing the beast

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3rd person pov

Y/n awoke from his nap and saw that Kurome was also wide awake.

Kurome: i... Saw your friends...
Y/n: then let's go see them.

The two headed out, but Y/n suddenly remembered the thing Kurome told him.

Flashback Kurome: no matter what choice you make, i know you'll make the choice you need to make for the greater good.

Y/n couldn't help but think about the outcomes that could be possible.
The two ran until they finally caught up with the masked thief's team.

Neptune: Y/n! You're o-
Uzume: Kurome?!

Everyone took a battle stance, ready to fight Kurome. Y/n stood in front of her and tried to convince everyone not to attack.

Y/n: don't! She's not really evil!
Kurome: so... It's come to this.

Kurome pulled out her megaphone and fired echoes at Y/n. He dodged quickly before they could hit him.

Y/n: K-Kurome?
Kurome: remember what i told you. Make the right choice. You know what we must do now.

Y/n looked at his team and back at Kurome. He realized this was a fate that couldn't be changed. A fight between them was inevitable.

Y/n: so be it...
Kurome: i will still remember the time we spent together.

Y/n told his team to get back. Him and Kurome took their stances and the battle begun

I'll face myself marie - persona 4 golden plays

Y/n rushed towards Kurome and tried to slash her with his dagger, but it was blocked with a dark barrier.

Y/n: (in head) this is something i must do. Never forget me Kurome...

Y/n gathered dark energy and fired a beam at Kurome. Her barrier broke but it didn't slow her down. She rushed towards y/n and repeatedly striked him with her megaphone and followed up with echo shots.

Y/n: D-Damn!

Y/n was bleeding, but he got back up and tried to evade Kurome while he let his body regenerate. He tried to counter Kurome's attacks, but he wasn't quick enought to not let her attacks get him.

Y/n: can't... End... Here!

Y/n gathered dark energy and poured it into his dagger. The dagger's blade became a longer sword of dark emergy. He rushed to Kurome and landed a few good cuts on her.

Kurome: impressive...

Kurome attacked y/n with her megaphone again and fired a large echo at him.

Y/n: is this... The end... For... Me?

Y/n was on one knee and was covered in several bloody wounds. It would take a while for his regeneration to patch all those cuts and bruises.

Nepgear: no! We can't let Y/n die here!
Uzume: Y/n! Don't give up!

Uzume's voice ringed to Y/n, but it was already too late. Kurome fired another large echo shot at Y/n. However, after he was shot, he stood up straight.

Y/n: wh-what?

Suddenly, the masked thief felt like he was having a headache.

Protean - persona 3 movie plays
(Watch the extended version or skip to 0:39. It'll make more sense).

Y/n's body contorted in several ways while the zipper on his hooodie zipped itself. Y/n then let out a painful shriek.


Suddenly his zipper unzipped slightly and a pair of arms came out of his hoodie. It violently ripped Y/n to shreds. Inside was y/n with red eyes, bloody bandages on his hands, a large spear, and a pair of demon wings.


Y/n team couldn't help but stare at what looked like Y/n

Noire: is that... Still Y/n..?
IF: can we really call it him..?

Kurome took action and tried to fire some more echo shots at the demonic-looking Y/n. He quickly dodged the attacks in the air flew towards Kurome at a high velocity.

Kurome: what?!

Y/n attacked with his spear and cut off Kurome's hand. Kurome shrieked in pain, but it stopped because Y/n grabbed her neck swiftly. He threw her onto the ground harshly and slashed Kurome with his spear, slicing her vertically in half. Everyone looked at Y/n in shock. Rom and Ram were crying on Blanc because of how nightmarish Y/n has become.

Blanc: don't look. I'm sure we'll be able to fix this.

Y/n crushed one of the halves of Kurome's head with his hand. He stood up straight and was surrounded by a blinding light. Once the light cleared Y/n returned to his normal self.

Y/n: U-urk...

Y/n fell to his knees and then collapsed onto the floor. Everyone ran to Y/n and took him back to their dimension to heal him. Everyone was still shocked to see how Y/n brutally murdered Kurome. However, it wasn't him who did it. It was the beast hidden within.

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