|"you can't choose me now"|

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Jeronica turned Bughead.
Positive female friendships
Feminism af

"you can't choose me now"

"So how are you and Jug, V?" asked Betty, masking her jealousy with an all to perfect smile as they sat down on the worn, ripped, student lounge's couch. And even though Betty really, genuinely, loved Veronica, she couldn't stop the wicked feeling crawling up her neck at the thought of Jughead and Veronica together. Needless to say, Betty only asked this question to seem like a better friend then she really was.

"Oh so good B! He's a little Jason Dean for my taste, but who doesn't love a good mystery? And those a-" Betty tuned out the betraying sound of her heart beating as she listened to her best friend go on about the man she loved most.

"Great, V. You deserve the best." Betty spoke with a smile, a little too fake but Veronica was to involved in conversation to notice. Jughead however, who was talking to Archie in the corner of the student lounge, did notice being quite the observer. He decided to ask her after school as, he was her best friend and Veronica was as clueless as her red headed ex-boyfriend.

"Jug?" Archie ironically asked, as if he knew Jughead was thinking of him in that moment.

"Sorry Arch, just uh, thinking I guess"
Jughead answered, visibly disheveled.

Archie, instead of pushing, starting laughing as he punched Jughead's shoulder jokingly.
"Jesus Jug! For a writer, you don't really have a way with speaking."

Jughead let himself smile as he rolled his eyes, completely forgetting what he just was thinking of. "You're such an idiot, red paladin"

It was after school and Betty was helping make posters for the debate club when Jughead entered abruptly, causing Betty to jolt in her seat.

"Jesus Christ Jughead! Knock!" She yelled, harsher than she meant to but she honestly couldn't care less today.

"Chill out Juliet, just came to check up on you, I wouldn't want you to go full Yellow Wallpaper in here do I?" Jughead joked, sitting on the stool beside the table she was working on.

"I'm uh-kinda busy." She answered bluntly, fighting the words threatening to escape from her throat. God she wished she could just wash her mouth out with soap, and preferably bleach.

Jughead's eyes slanted as he moved to crouch next to her, "Hey, seriously, you alright Cooper?" Jughead asked concerned, rubbing her shoulder.

Betty brushed his hand off and felt her eyes water, she was not doing this. Not now. Not when he can see right through you.

Jughead whined, trying to lighten the mood,
"Tell me"

Betty couldn't stop it now, letting full tears run down her rosy cheeks. She could feel his presence and it was too familiar for all the wrong reasons.

"That night, at Cheryl's, did it mean nothing to you?" Betty asked, keeping her voice straight as she fought back a sob.

"Betty.." Jughead let off, guilt rushing in his heart. He never meant to hurt her, he thought she didn't feel anything that night.

"You kissed me. And I let you do more. Then the next day you ignored me, like it meant nothing, like seven seconds in heaven was just an excuse to feel up your best friend."
Betty spit spitefully, her jeans soaked with her and Jughead's tears.

"Betty- is this about Veronica?"
Jughead asked, unaware of the storm he just provoked.

Betty yelled, her voice breaking at the end as she slouched down into herself.

"Get out, Jughead. Just get out."
She whispered, knowing deep down he wasn't going to obey.

She felt his breath against her neck and his fingers tracing her waist, she shivered at his touch.

"Jughead.." Betty breathed, pushing him away with her fingers. "you can't"

"Can't what?" Jughead asked with innocent eyes, tracing circles on her collarbone, getting lost in her golden aura.

"you can't choose me now"
Betty started calmly, before continuing.
"You can't choose me just because I'm right here. You can't choose me because I'm easier."

Jughead's eyes softened, but his tone was serious. "Betty I'm in love with you."

"I know" Betty whispered smiling sadly as she kissed his cheek and sat up.

"But you're with Veronica, and I'm never going to allow myself to hurt my sister" Betty stated simply, smirking and saluting farewell to Jughead like a dork before slipping through the crack in the door.

Jughead groaned and sat down exhausted,
he knew deep down Betty was it for him.
He didn't by all means make a mistake by being with Veronica, he loved her, he just wasn't in love with her.  She was a good girlfriend, cunning, independent, smart, and a good person through and through but she honestly didn't need Jughead. Veronica was destined for great things and Jughead would just hold her down with his trust issues, Betty knew them already though and she got him. They've been friends for years so communication was always easy and she was the opposite of Veronica Lodge but just as kind. A little enigma he longed to unfold. As much as Veronica meant to him, they weren't right for eachother.
He knew that.

Jughead stood up and sighed,
He had a hard decision to make.

Veronica laughed when he told her,
not looking too surprised sadly and wishing him the best of luck & happiness with her sister.

Veronica couldn't be jealous, not when she knew from the very beginning it would be this way. She loved his mystery, his Rebel Without a Cause, but she was Breakfast At Tiffany's, Roman Holiday, together they would be
Cold Blood. But with Betty's Hitchcock, it brings out his Tarantino. Veronica laughed at the way her mind worked, as she picked up her phone to text the only person who truly got her mind.

So Betty, she texted,
Was it more Romeo & Juliet or Bonnie & Clyde?

Betty responded within a second,
The forbidden romance obviously!
Still planning on getting him back for this 🧐

Veronica laughed and put down her phone,
"Unexpected girls night out on date night?"
She asked mischievously, smirking at the blonde sitting across from her on the couch.

Betty giggled and nodded excitedly,

Veronica then smiled as she went to hug her best friend, "no boy will ever come between us"

Betty laughed in the hug and pulled away,
"Who needs boys anyways?"

Hope you enjoyed this Oneshot!
More Beronica friendship I know, I'm sorry but I really hoped you enjoyed!
Should I do more friendship fluff?
New Bughead centric(I promise) Oneshot coming soon!

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