|In Contrast|

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Spoof fluff from my story Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | 50's Au coming soon, to get you excited for this new bughead fanfiction!

gentlemen prefer blondes :
In Contrast

Winter, 1955

The way he held her was different,
gentle and sweet, not promising anything more than a few stolen kisses.

Archie however,
Was rough and wet, wanting just to satisfy her before passing out exhausted from work.

Jughead was drive ins, worn books, and coffee stained mugs. In contrast, Archie would much rather watch Television, much rather sing than read, and would very much enjoy a glass of pop his wife prepared for him after he got back from work.

Betty had asked when she entered their apartment, putting her coat on the rack and stepping out of her kitten heels.

Jughead was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, reading The Catcher In The Rye.

Betty smiled to herself and leaned against the doorway, "how'd you get that book? It's been sold out since 51' hasn't it?" She asked, recalling a time when he'd complained about the long waiting list at the local library.

"I know! They just got it back in today and it was my turn on the list" Jughead explained, setting his book down and standing up.

"How was work?" He asked, listening but letting his fingers help get her out of her skirts petticoat.

"Thank you." She smiled, "and It was hell, boys won't even pay me a nickel for a paper because it's written by a woman. Can you believe that?" Betty ranted, giggling when she felt her boyfriend's eyes on her annoyed.

"still?" He asked, in a voice basically asking to kill them for her.

Betty pouted before he bent down to kiss her, her pulling him closer.

"Juggie how did a perfect man like you end up with such a unladylike girl like me?"
Betty asked, whispering against his lips.

Jughead chuckled deep and gave her
a quick peck, "because you're weird, and weird's my type"

Betty rolled her eyes and pulled away,
"Want me to shine your shoes and dry your laundry my loving husband?"
Betty joked as she always does, holding Jughead's hands and laughing loudly.

"Speaking about that..."
Jughead let off seriously, Betty's smile turning crooked.

"Oh god, you're not ending this are you?
Because we both know I'll end up like, stripping" Betty asked jokingly, laughing nervously.

Jughead smiled and bent down on one knee in front of her, pulling out a velvet case from his jacket pocket.

Instantly Betty got a flashback.

Fall, 1950

"Betty" Archie had started, coating over her
soft hands with his rough ones.

"Yes?" She had asked, in the most prestigious voice she'd ever used. 'A man won't like you if you're not ladylike' Mother used to say.

Archibald bent down on one knee in front of the whole diner and Betty's blood went cold.
She loved him, but a public proposal?
She could almost die.

"Betty Cooper, will you do me the
honor of becoming my wife?"
He asked with that boyish smile, Betty giggled almost forgetting the question he'd asked her.

She announced embarrassed after realizing everyone was awaiting her answer.

Betty cheered, kissing Archie quick
and flipping off the customers who were annoyed by her spacing out.

"Oh kiss my a-"
Betty was cut off by another kiss from Archie, making her giggle.

She wished that moment would last forever,
But only four years past until he decided to be unfaithful and Betty had too much pride to allow herself to be belittled.

In fact, she would never be belittled again if it was the last thing she did.

Jughead asked,
sweating furiously making her laugh.

"Yes, Juggie, it'll always be a yes for you."
Betty answered honestly and sweetly.

Jughead smiled and hugged her tight,
"Stop saying better proclamations!
I'm the writer!" He joked, kissing her cheek.

"Kiss my ass, Jones"
She sneered, as he kissed away her insult.

"Betty Jones, I like the sound of that."
He whispered making her almost cry in happiness as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He loved her, every part of her.
When she was controversial he'd laugh and joke back, he didn't do things just to shut her up, he did things because he truly loved her.
And that was better than anything Archie Andrews did for her.
Well for himself.

she asked, breather than she was going for.

"Yes, love?"
Jughead said, tracing her jaw with his fingers as his arms held her bridal style.

"Take me to bed, bitch."
She joked, Jughead smirking and shaking
his head.

"As you wish, whore"
He joked back, making her smile.

"What would you mother say Forsythe?!"
Betty gasped, covering her mouth.

She didn't do much talking after that.

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