Struggle for Normal Life

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It was almost Six months since Felicity lost her family, and joined DEO as a doctor; things were not that great with her. Every night she is to fight against the guilt she had against the death of her parents, which she blamed herself for it. Fighting against all these thoughts in her mind, Working at the DEO, and being with her only best friend Kara, gave her hopes and inspired her in so many ways. 

'I miss my mom, my dad and my little brother. I wished they were alive here today' felicity thinks sitting on one of the chair in the DEO lab, putting her head down on one of the tables filled with test tubes and some lab equipment's, while a tears form into her eyes.

'I wished, I should have not sent my dad on that plane..' she further thinks, and a silent tear which was formed into her eye, finally rolls down.

'Oh God, what have i done.... I wished I could undo everything, like how we do on computers, ughhh.. it's all my fault'  Felicity thinks blaming herself for the death of her parents.

She was so lost in her own world inside her mind, Kara who is like-a-sister to her, and apparently only one who understands her feelings, enters the room, in her Supergirl cloths.

Normally If Kara was not Crime-fighting or Helping people early morning, she is to come along with her Sister Alex who was also an agent at the DEO; a way later after going to Catco first and taking a look into her reporters job and than showing up at the DEO to fight against any crimes, but that day she was quite early.

"Hey Felicity..."

"Are you okay girl??" She asked felicity by placing her hand on her back with a worried look after noticing her with her head down.

"yeah I'm fine Kara.." Felicity jumped with Kara's touch as she was scared who might touch her all of sudden.
"What are you doing here so early?" she said by looking away other side and not looking at kara

"First things first, No! you are not okay!"
"How are you gonna define the red... and wet eyes you have, and all the dried tears on your cheeks??" Kara asked her, as she pulls a stool to sit from underneath the table.

"Kara, I'm okay..." Felicity sad by taking off her glasses and placing them on the table and wiping her face with her hand palms and noticing felicity literally in that condition, Kara wrapped her arm around her and said;

"Hey, I'm a woman with X-ray vision and plus your best friend... So don't you dare lie to me" 

"Kara I...." Felicity tries speaking but was unable to express her feelings in words, which kara notices and holds her even closer

"Hey, you can talk to me..."

Felicity tries hard to put her feelings in words and finally speak "Kara... I... I feel so guilty... I wished I never forced my parents to go on a trip or Atleast... I would have been dead today along with them..if i didn't wait to finish my project...i....i..feel so......." looking at felicity being so broken, Kara holds her closer and by placing felicity's her head on her chest, she tries comforting her by gently moving her hand over felicity's head and say 
"hey, it's not your fault... Sometimes, things happen and we can't change them, no matter how much we wish we could..."

Kara says as if she had read felicity's mind, though she was an alien, she doesn't have telepathic powers; but felicity's words and her guilt filled face explained kara everything and she understood what she must be going through.

"I too lost my everything.. but I have few amazing people in my life, who are my reason to live..." 
"You are stronger than me.. you have to believe in you Felicity...i'm sure very soon you will find that reason too.. just hold strong" she adds after a pause.

After her parents and their death, felicity always felt comfortable with kara, at some point their life was dealing with same pain. Kara too lost her parents, her home, her everything when she was little and yet she gives hope to everyone. This part bonded her and felicity with a bond of understanding. And being seeing kara everyday being so strong and being symbol of HOPE to others, it made felicity wonder and wish if she was stronger like kara too.

"I don't know what to believe anymore Kara, I lost everything I love.. I'm scared to believe in anything henceforth... i wish i was stronger like you..." Felicity slowly whispers by wiping her face with her one hand, with her head still on kara's chest. 

"You didn't loose everything okay.. you have me, you keep saying that I'm like your sister and you have a Speedster as your best buddy... who is also being through worst, still strong..." Kara reminded felicity about Barry, and that she was not alone at all.

"You don't have to feel lonely anymore, whenever you want, you can come and stay with us..."
Kara added by rubbing her shoulder, which made felicity feel better after hearing kara's words;
"Me and Mon-el would love to have you with us.." Kara added further after a short pause and felicity felt better and said after taking a long breath.

"Thanks Kara.. I will surely.. if i want to..." 

As both were sharing these special sisterhood time, the one and only Barry enters with a flash of light;
"Good morning girls.. you both are early..." Barry greets both after seeing together sitting.

"Hey Barry... Good morning.." Kara said giving Barry a fist bump; the way they always greeted each other that way.

"Hey... Felicity.. you okay??" He asks felicity, after noticing the sad look on her face. on which felicity gave a fake smile and greeted back, pretending that everything is fine.

"Oh hi.. yeah.. I'm.. I'm good.." 

"Barry, any news from Oliver?? It's about days, we heard from him... and haven't met in months, I hope everything is okay in Star City.. i hope he is okay...." Kara gave a worrying look at Barry speaking about someone who sounded like their friend, while felicity wondered who it can be.

"Yeah, Oliver had called me two days ago, he said, he is busy at the moment.. but will visit us once he is free...or in case if he needs any help" Barry replied Kara with a promising look.
"Well.. that's great!" she replied back and further added;

"Guys, I'm gonna go to cafeteria and grab something to eat, you two wanna join??" Kara questioned looking at Felicity and than Barry


"yeah.. i'm damn hungry!"

As they were walking out of the room, Barry's phone buzzed, he said while answering the phone;

"Hey Ollie... Buddy, how are you??" 

"Oh sure... Anytime buddy" He further said before cutting off the call and than said to kara and Felicity, who were looking at Barry as he spoke on the phone.

"Kara, its Oliver.. he needs our help.. and guess what.. your wish is coming true.. he might be coming here..." Barry added with lot of excitement and Kara too jumped with joy and gave hi-five.


"Felicity, get ready to meet our third partner... Oliver..." 

"I'm sorry! Oliver who??" Felicity questioned with a puzzling look on her face with a very a weird feeling hits her mind, which made her feel she isn't ready to meet anyone right now as of what is happening in her life. 

"Oliver who??" she questions Barry and Kara

"The OLIVER QUEEN, from star city.... a vigilante, and....." as Barry was talking, Kara interrupts and continue his line "....and the MOST handsome Billionaire..."


"sounds interesting" felicity says with a nod.


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