In a relationship

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   In India ,in many of the relationships , be it a married one or a boyfriend girlfriend one , the male member either said or unsaid somehow becomes the decision making authority and most girls take it that way cause that's literally what has been taught to them or that's what they've seen around them. The wife or the girlfriend always has to ask "permission" from her partner to do anything. Even when it comes to my mom, its never enough if I ask her permission to do something cause she would say something like " I'm okay though, but if dad disagrees , I can't do anything". The question is , WHY? Why can't she? I do agree, when in a relationship there has to be give and take. Yes, if the male parter has better knowlege than the female partner in that particular subject  then there's absolutely no harm in listening to him. But in many cases , the female listens just because she's female .
       I can't think of the countless times when my parents joked about something like "Look at her haha how the heck will she even listen to her husband". The answer is that I don't have to. I can and should be able to do what I want to and the kind of partner who thinks that I have to ask him to do something is the kind I'd want to stay away from.  Taking and giving suggestions is surely welcome though.
      Many of you might read the above paragraph  and take my " I can do whatever I want" as the " same old feminist shit". But isn't it clearly obvious that such a problem actually exists when  I have to say that i can do what I want whereas the guys don't have to cause its just something that's just blatantly obvious?

Not very well written , I know. Hope I got my point across. Leave your votes and comments. Thank you

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