Library ࿐

944 19 13

「 It's an unwritten rumour, that the posh boys all have stars in their eyes, syrup in their throats and smoke in their words. 」

/ɡriːd/ noun
(n.) excessive desire for wealth or possession.

It was 3:40pm and chemistry class was finally over with. That left 20 minutes until needing to visit the boys in the library.

It was rather strange how they were always found in and visiting the library. The way the librarian eyed Harry last time. And how Dimitri appeared out of no where. And Alastair. What was so special about a library?

They didn't look like bookworms. You laughed at the thought of them reading in complete silence. Heavenly.

You promised to meet Elainar in the library before the boys would arrive, to discuss the plan.

You hurried through the endless crowds of students and finally, you saw the back of her neatly straightened hair.

"Elainar." you put a hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Oh, y/n. I haven't seen any of them. Well I don't know what to expect." she spoke as you both walked far into the numerous aisles until you met the exact place where you and Harry were 'stealing books'.

"We are supposed to be in this library, right?" she asked whilst looking at her watch impatiently.

"Yes. I'm sure they'll meet here. They did last time."

"Why here?"

"I'm not sure. I was thinking about that earlier." you observed the books and scanned all around, "Nothing special, really."

It was a small corner of a few wooden tables, wooden chairs and two large bookcases locking the area. It felt quite cosy and private, perhaps you could study here sometime.

Footsteps alerted you and familiar voices were becoming louder. You gasped and Elainar left the area to pretend to look for more books.

A figure came around the corner, "Ah, y/n!" it was Dimitri.

"Hey, Dimitri." you smiled and he actually went in for a hug. You lightly hugged back with a confused expression on your face. Was he drunk, again?

Soon, Harry and Guy came to greet you.

"Y/N, it's good meeting you again!" Guy exclaimed.

Now it was Harry. He smiled and took your hand. "Hey. Are you alright?" and then he kissed it.

You blushed, "Yes, how are you."

"I'm great now." he chuckled and you tried your best not to blush even harder. God dammit.

Later, all the boys were there. Each greeted you; James shook your hand, Miles smiled radiantly and asked how your day was, Hugo greeted you cheerfully, George nodded, Toby and Ed tried to make a joke and last but not least, Alastair looked up from the ground and into your eyes. He softened and spoke shyly, "I'm so sorry. I know, I'm disgusting for doing that."

Everyone became quiet.

"It's okay Alastair." you smiled. That was all you could say. He smiled back at you. It was as though you made these boys go weak.

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