[65:] Making Up

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Jen's P.O.V.

I wouldn't let them two swing at each other, but they almost did a few times. I had to block them, neither of them would hit a girl, especially me.

They've been yelling at each other for several minutes, I tried to tell them to stop, but they just got louder. I'm surprised that no one has came in.

“Okay, you two just stop!” I yell at the top of my lungs. They instantly shut up.

“Josh, I wasn't cheating on you, I promise. Liam is just sad because him and Miley broke up! You remember that, right? We were throwing darts at her face, see?” Josh glanced at Miley's now unrecognizeable face. “That kiss what unexpected but it meant nothing to me! At least I told you!”

Liam looked frown and left his trailer when we should be the one's leaving.

I deeply sigh. “You just happened to come here at the wrong time, you know I love you, I really do. And I felt bad about what happened. That's why I left, to think things through. I couldn't just tell you, 'Oh, another guy kissed me out of no where, forgive me?' I was just trying to comfort a friend. That's all he is to me.” I give Josh a hug. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my trailer. I need some time alone. I think we all need it.”

I left, just like that. I walked to my trailer and plopped onto the couch and called Maddie to see how she's doing.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Hey! How are you?”

“Oh, I'm fine. But I'm nervous about something.” she said.

“What is it? You can tell me anything. You know that.” I assure her.

“Well, there's this dance--”

“A dance?” I sounded surprised, but I'm happy for her.

“Yeah, the Spring Formal, or whatever they call it. Can I go?”

“Of course! That'd be great for you. You should definitely go to that dance, when is it?” I ask.

“Don't know the exact date, but I know that it's in March.”

“Perfect. I'll be back home before then, so I can help you get ready! Oh, this is so exciting!” I squeal.

“So, how are you and Josh?”

“Well, right now he's not around. We kind of got into a fight.”

“What? No! You're supposed to be the perfect celebrity couple! Like Brad and Angelina!” she says.

“Even the most perfect couples fight. It's normal. I'm alone right now,” I say, starting to miss him already.

“Me too, I think your parents are at work, they always have to go to work. So do you.” I could tell she was a little sad. “Are you okay with Claudia?” Hearing her name makes me a little angry, she ruins everything.

“Honestly, I had forgotten about her. I don't know what to say, or how to feel.”

“We was wearing--”

“I don't need to know what she was wearing. If she wants to date Nick, fine. It won't bother me.”


“I'm going to take a nap, I am so exhausted.”

“All right. Good bye.” she said, then hung up before I could say goodbye.


Josh's P.O.V.

I feel so stupid. I can't believe we got into our first fight.

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