the journey

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it is a cold early morning, I am sat in the backseat of the taxi staring out the window as we leave my home town to move to the city. This is the next step in my dance career. I was going to AMDA, I was so nervous yet exited I didn't know what to think I guess my face said it all as a familiar voice asked

"are you okay Ari ur face looks a little flushed"

"im okay mum I promise" I replied still staring into space out the window

"what's on ur mind Ari" my mums face filling with concern

"im just a little nervous that's all im gonna miss you so much when im gone" my eyes started to fill with tears as a single drop falls apon my cheek

"you will be fine Ari, you can always text me from ur dorm" she turned to face me wiping the tears away from my cheeks

"i guess so" I sigh and rest my head against the glass falling asleep.

after a few hours I feel a slight tugging on my arm, my eyes flutter open as I stretch and look around the taxi

"we are here pumpkin" my mum says in excitement, I looked out the window to see a beautiful elegant building that I was going to be staying in, we hopped out the car and I grabbed my stuff from the trunk, I said good bye too my mother and walked inside, it was just as beautiful inside as it is on the outside, I made my way to the reception a young black haired and brown eyed girl sat there and smiled as I approached

"hello welcome to AMDA how can I help you?" the receptionist asked in a sweet gentle tone

"hey im ari im here to collect my dorm key" I replied in an anxious way

"okay ill be two minuets" she smiled as she walked away searching for my key

after a few seconds the door behind me swung open and a handsome blonde haired brown eyed man walked in holding a cigar in one hand and his phone in the other he glanced over at me and looked back down at his phone not taking much notice of me, I examined his body noticing a tattoo of roses on his arm wondering what the story behind it ment after a few minuets the receptionist came back and handed me a small rusty key.

"here is ur key ur room number is 220" she said with a smile

I stood there for a minuet looking at the key and said "im really sorry but can you or someone else show me to my dorm im new here so I don't know where many of the buildings are"

"Of cource, oh Mr.park?" She called out to the man with the tattoo of roses behind me

"Yes" he replied looking up from his phone

"Can you take this young girl to her dorm please" she asked in a polite manor, he looked at me with a bright smile on his face and said

"My pleasure"

I returned his smile and said


"Do you need help with ur bags?" he asked in a deep tone that I found quite appealing

"No thanks I can handle it" I said in confidence, he started leading me out from the building with a smile.

"So what's ur name?" He said while glancing at me

"My name is Ari" I replied as my cheeks washed over with a rose coloured wave, he smiled and continued to walk leaving me to follow closely behind
"I suppose u all ready learnt my name from the receptionist" he chuckled making me laugh along with him

"You don't have to call me Mr.park btw you can call me jimin" he said looking into my eyes as he smiled, I smiled back as we enter a stairwell

"Do u need my help to carry ur bags up the stairs?" he said softly with another one of his charming smiles

"No thanks I can manage" i say with determination, We make our way up the stairs till we reach the floor my dorm is on

"You sure are strong" he chuckled with a wide smile

"Thanks" you both share a smile, you reach the door of the dorm ur staying in

"So what class are u taking?" Jimin asked in curiosity

"The Pointe class" I replied with a small tint of hope in my voice,

"Guess I'll see u there then" he smiled and waved goodbye and so I smiled and waved back in confusion at what he meant. Was I really going to see him in my ballet class

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