First lesson on pointe

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I was laying in bed asleep in the warm embrace of my soft quilt when it suddenly gets ripped off of me, I was forced to quickly open my eyes with my heart racing and standing over me was my room mate Ellie.

"Come on Ari! Ur gonna be late!" She shouted in a stubborn voice, as I rolled out of bed.

"Would you like some coffee?" Ellie asked.

"Yes please, I'm gonna get dressed first though" I replied, I then got changed into my ballet tights and my light purple leotard and secured my hair up in a tight tidy classical bun using bobby pins and a hair net. we both made our way to the practice room of which out class was supposed to commence in, when we arrived, there was at least 15 girls already in there stretching on the bars and on the floor striking me with awe as i wish to some day be like them. Me and Ellie join the girls by taking our positions on the bar and after 10 minutes the professor arrived and introduced herself.

"Hi everyone I'm miss jun and today's lesson is going to be about technique but before we start does anyone know where Mr.park is?" She asked in concern,

"Mr.park is the assistant teacher, he's supper hot especially in tights" Ella said druling over the thought of him, I just laugh and get back to stretching as after all how can a man have such an effect, after a few minutes the door swings open and a silhouette of a muscular man stood in the door way.

"Sorry I'm late miss jun" he said in a cute deep rustic voice.

"You know that's not acceptable in the dance world Mr.park so what makes you think its acceptable here?" she said whilst taking a sip of her freshly made lemon tea, jimin made his way over to miss jun as we continued to warm up, in the background of all the talking and muttering of the girls all you could focus on was Mr.Park, after a while u find urself staring at Mr.parks legs and how muscular they are, Ellie was right.

"Ari what are u doing? You know Miss jun and Mr.park are a thing right?" Ellie looked at u seriously hoping u would stop staring but all u began to do was blush

"Sorry Ellie" you said and tried to focus more on warming up.

After a while the silence broke with miss jun saying

"Okay girls let me see ur arabesque"

We all got into position and lifted our leg up to arabesque Mr.park came over to me first, he slid his warm hands on my hips making me go all jelly like with the sparks I felt from his touch he lifted my leg a little more and said to me:

"Pretend ur leg is attached to a helium balloon Ari let that leg float higher" he said with a smile and then adjusted my hips to be more square.

I questioed it at first and instead of sayingit in my head the words left my lips a little top easily "a balloon?" Causing Mr.park to laugh and in reply he said "Yes a balloon" this made you both giggle and smile the whole time for the rest of the lesson.

After the lesson had finished you sat on the wooden floor of the studio and took off ur Pointe shoes and changed into ur trainers at the time u didnt notice that it was just u and jimin left in the studio, untill he came over and placed his hands on ur shoulders massaging you making u feel relaxed you look up and smile at him as he smiles back at you

"Did you enjoy the class Ari?" Mr.park says with a small twinkle in his eye.

"Of cource but it's a little different from classes in the country there's no dance studios from where I'm from, I use to dance on a peice of wood in my backgarden. and now because of it when I'm here I'm a little behind the other girls" I said with disappointment

"You will catch up ur doing great there's some potential in you I can see it" he gained a massive grin on his face

"I better get back to my dorm" I said as I scrambled to my feet picking up my bag and started to head for the door I could feel the burn of Mr.parks stare pierce through the back of my head.

"Ari wait!" He said in a quiet voice, I wipped around and looked him in the eyes

"Yes Mr.park?" I asked in confusion, he looked down at his feet and then back at me with a smile

"Never mind it wasn't important" he said glancing back at his feet, and with that I turned on my heals and headed back to my dorm.

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