Mr.parks secret

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A few days later.

Me and Ellie were in class when Mr.park arrived late for the 3rd time this week but this time was different his face was covered in bruises and a small cut above his eyebrow. Everyone gasped in shock as we all analysed them.

"Come on girls back to work"  shouted miss jun to get us to focus again

"I heard that some people think Mr.park is a drug dealer" Ellie whispered glancing over at jimin and miss jun
As they were arguing again

"Nahh he can't be" I say in shock as I too glance over at them. Could Mr.park really be a drug dealer? "UHH Ari focus!" I say to myself trying to prevent me from filling my brain with the thought of him. Ellie laughs at this

A few hours later Point class was over and I stayed behind in the practice room to catch up with the rest of the class, I would practice for hours trying to be like everyone else.
I got into position for an arabesque I tried to remember what Mr.park had told me
"Picture a balloon tied to your ankle Ari" you whispered to yourself, a sudden burst of laughter startled u and you spin around to see jimin leaning against the doorway.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle u" he says with all innocents as he began to stare at his feet. I began to notice the new cut down his neck

"Mr.park? What's that cut on ur neck?"I blurted out immediately regreting it.

"I'm fine Ari, a dog did it" he smiled at me innocently, I didn't believe it for a second, I stepped closer to him and ran my finder down the cut, he winced in pain and grabbed my wrist.

"Sorry Mr.park I didn't mean to hurt you" I took a step back away from him as he lets go of my wrist.

"It's okay Ari. Do u want a ride back to your dorm? You deserve a rest for all the hours of practice you put in" he asked blessing me with another smile, I knew I shouldn't but my feet were throbbing so I agreed.

We made our way towards his car and entered it.

It was a few minutes of awkward silence till we had reached the dorms

"Thanks for the ride Mr.park" i smile as I open the door and climb out

"Ari you can call me jimin when we are outside the studio but it was my pleasure to drop you to your dorm" he replied as we shared a smile and headed our separate ways.

Saturday morning

I woke up from my deep sleep and decided to go for a run as I needed to keep my cardio up for dance practice, I decided to wear my favourite pair of yoga pants with a white crop top, I poured myself a coffee and left the dorm.

I had been running for at least 15 minuets when I was coming up to a clearing along the path way when I spotted two men one was in all black with his hood up hiding his face and the other wearing all grey also with his hood up forcing me to stop in my tracks the man in the black clothing holds out his arm when I see it the tattoo the roses placed in the same place as jimin, I rubbed my eyes and looked again to see if I was dreaming but no it was actually him.

The man in the grey clothing handed over a small bag of white powder when suddenly out of the blue says

"Don't take too much of it mate it's bad for u" he says staring jimin down

"I can do what I like!" Anger from jimin unleashes out of no where 

"See what that horrible woman of urs does to u" he chuckled only angering jimin causing him to lash out at the man hitting him in the head but out of no where the man pins jimin against the tree and smacks his face aginst it causing him to drop to the floor, I stood there still frozen in fear as I watched it all unfold  but I had to get away in case jimin saw me so I ran back to the dorms in a panic not knowing what to do.

"Ellie! Where are u?! Ellie!" I shouted in a panic not knowing what to do with myself.
"Im here Ari whats going on are u okay ari?" A wave of worry bushed over her face as she rapped me up into a tight hug as I sobbed into her shoulder

"I-i c-can't tell you" I covered my face with my hands trying to get the thought of jimin being slammed into the tree out from my head as Ellie grabbed my wrist and slowly lead me towards my bed and disappearing into the kitchen

"You will be okay Ari, would you like some hot chocolate? To make you feel better I know its your favourite!" Ellie asked still inside the kitchen, her hot chocolate is the best!

"Yes please! You know me too well already!" I say as a grin starts to spread across my face. Ellie then returns with the hot chocolate and makes sure I am okay.

After finishing my hot chocolate I couldn't help but fall asleep


As usual I got prepared for dance class and headed towards the door to hear a voice I recognised

"I told u to get it to me tomorrow!"they shouted in annoyance, I slowly pulled open the door to see jimin on the phone with a new cut across his cheek that was currently bleeding and was quite deep, he looked up at me with a sad smile as he put down his phone

"Omg are you okay let me help you!" I said whilst taking hold of his wrist pulling him to the bathroom in my dorm and siting him on a chair i collected all the medical supplies I needed to stop the wound from bleeding, I took a cloth and wiped away the blood running down his face he winced in pain grabbing my wrist.

"Please say something to take my mind of it" he said loosening his grip placing his hand on my elbow as I continued.

"So what's ur family like?" He asked trying to ignore the pain of me now dabbing it with water

"Well I'm an only child and I lived with my mum back home in the country" I smiled sticking my toung out in concentration as he laughed at the face I pulled,

"So what inspired you to dance Ari?" He asked in curiosity

"When I was younger my mum would take me to watch the nutcracker with whatever money we had left and ever since I just tell in love with dancing and watching the performers perform" I say smiling at the memories of my past,

"Never stop dancing Ari you are doing amazing and im sure you are doing your mother proud" he smiles moving closer to me his lips almost touching mine,

"But don't think I didn't see you in the clearing of the trees the other day, promise you won't tell anyone?" He looks me in the eyes our lips still centimetres apart.

"Of cource" i grin still searching his eyes, he went to lean in to kiss me but soon backed away and I soon began to wonder what I had said or done to make him pull away when I realised I needed to finish up patching up the cut on his face.

After finishing jimin says "Thanks Ari" he says looking up at me smiling.

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