Wrong side!

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"Rose Wrong Side!" Roger yelled jerking the car to the other side of the road. "Oh r-right!" He was breathing hard freaked out. "I'm from America remember." I said calming down. "And the furture." Deaky snickered next to me. "Yea there too." I smiled at him. "So." Deaky started. I glanced at him. "We need somw radio." He finished turning it on. "Ew!" Roger made a face. "I need to fix this!" He started messing with the stations until we heard David Bowie. "Much better!" I smirked at him and then gulped. "What's wrong?" Deak asked. "Um well just remembering the day David died." Deaky frowned. "Oh."

It's strange to be able to know things about the future, even if once it was my past. I keep waiting to wake up from a coma and this all just be one long increadible dream. Like maybe I got hit by a car or something and be in the hosbital. Or maybe I just died and this is the after life? All I know is no matter what this is real or not I never wanna leave.

I pulled into the drive way and shut the car off. "They must be in the house." We got out and started walking to the house. Deaky opened the door. "Oh thank you man!" Roger smirked and walked in. John rolled his eyes and then motioned for me to go in. "Thank you." I smiled and walked in with him following. We were all frozen in place watching Brian and Freddie. "Oh your back."
Brian let go and Freddie opened his mouth to say something. "I-we can explain everything dears." I blinked not really believeing it. I looked over and Roger's mouth was open. I looked at Deaky and he was holding his beath. Then I looked back to Bri and Fred. "Well explain then." I finally said. "I needed help learning to dace properly." Brian smiled. "Why?" Roger asked. "I-I'm going to-just I need to know to dance with a girl." I smiled. "Anita!" I shrieked making everyone look at me and Brian look shocked at me. "H-how did you know that?" I smiled. "I'm from the future duh."
"W-who is she then?" Roger asked smirking. "Um a-a girl that I am talking to." Brian looked down. "Why did'nt you say anything Bri?" Deak asked. "Cause you-you know I'm well married."

"So your cheating then?" Deaky asked wide eyed. "Um." Brian exhauled. "I-I um well I." I took his hand. "Look guys. I know things about Brian that you don't. Because well you know why, I know this my be kind of shocking or a little odd to think Bri would cheat but it happened and in his future he's happy. That's all that matters right?" I looked around. Roger was still smirking and John looked lost in thought. "But it's strange. As far as anyone knows you don't know her yet. You met her later on." I smiled thinking about 'I want it all' on of my top Queen songs. "Mm?" Freddie looked at me. "Maybe all your space time talk was right Rosie and your afecting out lives?" I was thinking. "What a what did you all think was happening anyway?" Brian asked. Roger snickered. "That we walked in on you and fred." He wiggled his eyebrows and made kissing sounds. "Oh God NO!" Brian screamed and Fred huffed bwhind him. "Sorry Fred." Freddie smirked. "Oh it's alright Bri your not my usual go to man anyway. I don't go for poodles." I laughed along with Roger. I glanced at Deak and he was looking down. "Deaky?" His eyes found mine and he gulped. "You okay?" He shook his head. "Let's finish planing this party!" My eyes widened. "Wow wow what party Fred?" He smirked. "Darling I will use any excuse to throw a party! Dah." He made a face and walked off with Roger. "Um?" Brian said low to me pointing to John. "I'll talke to him. "No-no I will." Brian smiled. I grined and walked off.

Short I know but I'll make it up in the next chapter.

Question for you guys. Who out of the band do you think Rose will end up with?

A) Freddie

B) Roger


C) John

Brian is taken by Anita (now)

She and Freddie are becoming very close. She lives with him and he dose care for her deeply.Roger is well, Roger a mager flirt and amazing.  Deaky well you've all read how he is around her. All smiles, gigles,blushes and nurvouse ness?

Happy new year !

Meeting Queen? (Time travel story takes place in 1983)Where stories live. Discover now