The interview

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The room was white and so was the leather couch that was placed in the center of the room. Behind the couch on the wall was pantings that gave the room a spash of color. The lights were blinding but Fred did'nt seem to mine it. I just focused on him and it did'nt bother me to much. He looked amazing as always but still something about him was perfect. He was going on and on about a time in the '70's after a show.

We were sitting so that we were facing each other our arms resting on the back of the couch. I had my legs close to my body. I was really into his story it's one I don't ever remember hearing about. He laughed and the biggest smile sped across his face and my heart stopped. He was flicking his ashes into the ashtray resting on his lap and talking with his hands. I was smiling and would nod my head every once in a while committing something. I had alway felt like I had known Freddie all my life back in my own time but now after spending all this time with him and living with him I know who he really his and It's safe to say that he is my beat best! I gulped knowing that if things work out how they should Jim will be added to the picture. I could'nt help but smile at the thought of Jim but at the same time I wanted to cry. I know Freddie is ment to be with Jim but I miss the feeling of Fred's kiss and his hands on my body. I kick myself for not enjoying it and going along with it. Because truth be told out of all the wonderful guys of Queen since I've been here I have fallen for one! I was breathing hard watching him talk but I did'nt hear what he was saying. I closed my eyes. Maybe I should just tell him. But then that thought comes that he dosn't remember the party! He was drunk and did'nt mean it! Why must he torment me? He's right here in front of me smiling and laughing, being his amazing self but he would never want me. I had a small tast of what being with him would be like and I'll never truly know. I just have to tell him and we could laugh it off. Atlest I could get it off my mind. I opened my mouth when I saw John walking in the room smiling with a small wave. I smiled back knowing any chance to talk to Freddie right now is over. Freddie smiled at John as he put his ash tray on the table next to the couch. John said nothing but waved and it was like his silent hellos. He did'nt want to interrupt the story. He sat on the arm of the couch as Fred continued telling is story and I noticed that Deak was just as into it as I was. I found that kind of strange because he was actually there but Fred his such a wonderful stroy teller.
Roger was next to arrive not long after. My eyes left Freddies face to take him in. He was smirking. Playfully with his hands in his pockets. He was so up to something! He plopped down on the couch between me and John. He had his arms resting on the back of the couch and his legs sprawled out lazly. He had a big smile across his angel face and sunglasses resting over his blue eyes. He put one hand around my hip pulling me closer and waved with the other. "Hello all!" I smirked because he knew what he was doing. Freddie exhauled upset that Roger had interrupted his story but he smiled. "Hello darling!" John snickered and I lay my head on Rogers should paying attention to Fred. It was strange after the party to sit this way with Roger.

"Do I know you?" "You wanna go to the bathroom and get to know me better?" "I like this dress!"

I smirked known he did'nt remember it. He was touchy and pushy but he was wasted. Here, now he is sober. Yea he pulled me closer and I was resting on him. His hand was on my hip but he wasn't trying anything sexual he was just cuddling and he dose that often with me. Always has I find it nice because he is Roger Taylor and he dosn't expect anything from it because we are friends. And he in his right mind and dosn't want to mess our friendship up. I love him for it. John laughed and my eyes found his smile. I loved it when he really smiled, one full of joy, nothing beats that. Brian came in with a serious look on his face. He had his hands behind his back as he walked and his long legs strolled along. He smiled at me and waved. I smiled back and Roger's voice rang out. "Hello Bri!" Brian stopped right behind the couch. He hit the back of the couch. "John, get your feet off!" Brian lightly tapped his feet and john mummbled something removing them from the leather. "Interview time guys!" Brian anouced walking around the couch. "Okay I'll be waiting somewhere." I stood and Brian took my spot. Before I could go anywhere Fred carfully gripped my wrist. "No stay." He licked his lips. I blinked looking at all there faces. John nodded his head, Roger removed his sunglasses and playfully scanned my body and Brian had his arms crossed but he smiled at me. I looked  back to Freddie's face and his eyes were pledding. "Well um okay." I was wondering were I would sit when Freddie pulled me down onto his lap. I know I turned red. Roger and Brian laughed. This wouldn't have bothered my if the party had never happened. "Hope you don't mind darling but there isn't much choice." I gulped clarly shaking. I was to afraid to look at John, he had'nt laugh and he knows about Freddie kissing me. Even though he told me he did'nt want to be with me I knew this would upset him. I shook my head trying to relax. Freddie was rupping my back in a soothing way and another conversation was brought up. Brian was talking away with John and Roger. Freddies hand slipped into my shirt so he could rub the skin and I stopped breathing. The feeling over his fingers making electricity form on my skin. I glanced at him and by the face he was making he knew he was messing with me. His other hand came to rest on my leg and make patters in my jeans. I wanted to tell him to stop but I also never wanted him to stop. Clicking was heard and we all looked to see a woman in a blue blazer with shoulder pads and matching blue pants! She took her place across from the couch in the mattching white chair with the lights all around it. After she fixed everything and said hello she looked at us and tilted her head. "No no we can't interview you all squezed on it like that!" John jumped off the arm. "Musical chairs!" He clapped his hands together. I smiled looking him over he did'nt seem to upset about me sitting on Fred. Roger helped me off Freddie's lap and whispered in my ear. "You were so cute all red!" I blushed again and playfully hit him. As Queen and myself tried to find a way to all sit so the interview could start a few men came into the room and started getting ready.

John,Freddie and Brian sat on the couch. Freddie was sitting in the middle of the couch and I was sitting under him using his legs as a back rest, he ended up taking his sheos off.  John was sitting on his legs, and Roger was next to on the floor trying to get confortable. Brians legs were streched out next to me. And the interview started. "So let's go around and introduce ourselves." The lady said after action was called.

Yay updated!

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