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I had a feeling when the sun hit my face. An all to familar feeling. I opened my eyes feeling sick. "F-Fred." I mumbled into my hand but when I reached for him he wasn't there. I blinked moving off the bed only to throw up all over the floor. I cryed sucking in a breath and holding my swollen belly. I'm almost seven months now. I gulped sitting on the edge of the bed. "Pheobe?" I closed my eyes. Crap! I-I didn't think Freddie had anything to do today. "J-Jim!" I tried hopping he was around. And Yes, that Jim! He started working as Fred's gardener and his our friend but he's only Fred's friend! It's nice that he still got to be in Freddie's life even if only has a friend. "Somebody?" I asked a little louder hoping my voice could carry in the large house. My head is pounding like I passed out or something. Killer Queen blasted out of no where making me jump. I gulped and really looked at my surrounding. "W-what?" My eyes scanned the little bedroom. "N-no! No no no!" I jumped up. Bad idea. I held my head and stumbled to the I phone. My alarm.

Queen tour 2019 Today at 8!!

I blinked slowly leaving my bedroom to find I was back in my old house. My house in 2019! "No!" I turned the flate screen on and flipped the channels.
Some kids show, a cooking show, shopping, worlds best with James, American Idol....

"Idol? Adam? Freddie! God please be okay please!" I blinked ready to cry when a commercial came on playing an unfamilar song but I knew that voice singing it anywhere. Freddie!

I gasped. Turning the sound up.

Get ready for Queen live! See the extraordinary band live! Drummer Roger Taylor!

Clips of Roger flashed over the screen. He looked as he should in this time.

Guitarist Brian May!

Again Bri looks as he should but what heppend next made my want to scream.

Bassist John Deaky Deacon!

I blinked looking at the changing clips of Deak dancing around the stage and laughing. He looks so good! Wow.

And the lead singer, the flamboyant Freddie Mercury!!!!!!!

I broke down in tears looking at the sceen. He looked so amazing! He was okay! He was okay! I-I did it!

"Fred." I smiled.

I went to my room and found my ticket were I had left it. I picked it up and got ready as quickly as I could. I got in my car and drove to the venue. Sure the show dosn't start for hours but maybe I can talk to them. See if they even remember me! I'm Freddie Mercury's wife afted all!

I got there and just in time to a car pulled up and Roger stepped out. "Rog! Roger! Roggie!" I screamed but it was mixed with fans. He waved not hearing or seeing me. Brian got out and smiled. I yelled up nothing. Next John and again nothing. "D-Deaky!" I gulped ready to give up when Fred stepped out. "Freddie! Fred!" Nothing! He scanned the sea of faces and smiled. Everyone waved one last time and Freddie removed his sunglasses to wink causeing more screams so he could'nt hear me. "Crap!" I could'nt get to them because of all the men blocking me and no one would believe I was his wife. Atlest I don't think so and I don't want to get locked up for being crazy or blow my chances to get into the concert. I can sneak in then and see them. I have to see if they remember me. I touched my belly feeling a kick. Okay if they remember us. I smiled looking at my belly. "Don't worrie baby your daddy would forget you." I said closing my eyes. I opened them to see Roger smiling as Brian walked inside. He turned around and I swear was looking right at me.He removed his sunglasses locked eyes with me. He squinted like he was trying to see me better. I blinked and he made a face shaking his head and continued inside, the last to enter the place. I groaned and took a breath. Attest Freddie's okay, he's okay!

WHAT!!!!! I hope you dont hate this chapter lol. Shes back in 2019 and Queen has all its original members!  Lets see how everything tur s out shall we? Do you think the guys will remember her??

Meeting Queen? (Time travel story takes place in 1983)Where stories live. Discover now