Chapter 3

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The next morning, Kali got straight up, dressed, ate breakfast, and was ready to go and meet Janie at the park with her dad, brother and most importantly the penguins. 

She came downstairs, passing her mother and siblings by the kitchen. 

"Where are you going?" Jane asked her. 

"Oh, um, just to the park with Janie and her dad..." Kali replied. "They got penguins"

"Oooh! Can we come?" the twins asked their big sister eagerly once hearing there were penguins. 

Kali was about to refuse until she saw her mother giving her that look. 

The tomboy sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine" she reluctantly agreed for her siblings to come with her. 

"YAAAAY!" the twins cheered while their sister rolled their eyes slightly. 

The 3 Harpercop siblings then left their house and went down to the park. 

They soon arrived, seeing Janie, her little brother Billy, and her dad over by the empty snow covered field. 

"Hey, guys" Kali waved, greeting the Popper family as she and her siblings came over to them. 

"Hi" Janie waved back for a moment before returning her focus on her phone. 

"Hey, Mr Popper" Kali greeted Janie's business working father. 

"Hello, guys" he greeted the adventure girl and her siblings back, waving. 

"Hey, Billy!" the twins greeted Janie's brother since they were friends with him. 

That's when Popper's penguins appeared and waddled over to the Kali and the twins, honking, looking at the Harpercop siblings curiously. The 3 siblings could see that these type of penguins were gentoos and there were six of them. 

"It's okay," Kali bent down a bit closer to the flightless birds. "We can talk to animals" she told them in a kind, soft voice. 

This made the penguins looked surprised, but more relaxed that these people were friends. 

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Captain" the penguin with the red beak came up, greeting the Harpercop siblings first. She appeared to be the captain of the flock. 

The other penguins then came closer to investigate the three human siblings. 

"Hello, there" Brock reached his hand out to pet one of the penguins, when it bit his finger. "Hey!" Brock pulled his hand back. 

"That's Bitey" Tom introduced. 

Another penguin then started squawking very loudly that the kids had to cover their ears. 

"Loudy" Tom pointed out to that extremely loud penguin. 

Brock began petting another penguin when it let loose some stinky gas, making everyone else cringe in disgust from the unbearable smell. 

"Stinky" Tom introduced. 

One of the other penguins with a black heart shaped mark on his chest came up towards Ann and began cuddling her leg. 

"Aww, he loves me" Ann giggled. 

"That's Lovey" Tom introduced. 

The sixth and final penguin then came up to greet the human siblings but slipped on the snow and fell flat on his face. 

"And that's-" Tom was about to say. 

"Nimrod?" Kali guessed that penguin's name. 

"Wow, you're good" Tom turned to the smart tomboy. 

Kali meets Mr Popper's PenguinsWhere stories live. Discover now