Chapter 4

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The days quickly turned into weeks. Popper got upset with the penguins after they had gotten him into a bit of trouble at a dinner party. So, naturally, he began training the penguins. He even taught them how to dance. 

The days at school were also the same for Kali. 

After school one day, she headed straight down to the turtle's lair to have a talk with Mikey. 

As she entered the lair, his brothers were training, telling her he was in his room. 

Kali went straight to Mikey's room and knocked on the door, but no answer. 

The tomboy put her ear up against the door and could hear loud music. She opened the door and came in to find Mikey distracted playing video games on his TV. 

"Mikey?" Kali came around, trying to get his attention but it wasn't working. 

Kali then turned off the TV, took out Mikey's earbuds and yelled in his face. "MIKEY!" 

"Oh, hey, dudette!" Mikey smiled as he turned to see her. "I didn't see you there"

Kali sighed in a bit of annoyance, but tried to get over it as she continued. 

"This place is a pigsty" the tomboy couldn't help but say, noticing Mikey's room was a huge mess. She then spotted something on the ground that was very interesting.

"Since when did you start wearing tighty whities?" the tomboy pointed out to a pair of human underpants on the floor. 

Mikey looked a bit embarrassed before replying with. "That my friend is a story for another day"

Kali soon sighed again as it became quiet. She sat down on the end of Mikey's bed as she was going to ask him again. 

"So listen, the dance is coming up in less than a few weeks and I was asking you if you'd like to come with me..." she explained, waiting for an answer from him. 

"Oh! You mean, like, as a friend?" Mikey asked, which made Kali give him a blank stare but she didn't say anything. 

"Sure, I'd love to go to the, uhhh.....?" the dumbest teenage mutant ninja turtle was soon lost in thought. 

"Mikey, do you even know what a dance is?" Kali asked her boyfriend, but already knew he wouldn't. 

"Oh, sure!" Mikey quickly lied, trying to act causal. "Um, lets see. It's a... thing were you go to! And, uh, you... hug?... a lot?" 

Kali decided this was just becoming hard to watch and she'd just take Mikey out shopping, while she'd explain everything to him about the snowball dance. 

"Gee, Kali, how did I ever live my life before I started dating you?" Mikey asked his human girlfriend. 

"Believe me, I wonder that all the time" Kali replied with sarcasm. 

While Kali took Mikey out shopping in his human disguise she taught him everything he needed to know about the upcoming dance. What to do, what to wear, how to act, etc.  

Believe it or not, Kali started to notice how she and Mikey were beginning to re-bond with each other just by hanging out like they were now. 

Maybe, he was the right one after all. 

After Kali had bought something nice to wear to the dance, she came over to Popper's house wanting to check on the penguins while Mikey had gone back home. 

She soon ran into the Popper family as they too had just gotten back from shopping. Janie had bought herself a nice dress to wear to the snowball dance. 

"Hey, birds" they greeted as they entered the apartment. 

"You guys hungry?" Billy asked the penguins. 

"I'll get them a snack" Kali said. 

But the penguins were quiet, having gathered in the living room. The kids came over to see what was wrong with them. 

Turns out, nothing was wrong, the penguins were just huddled together nesting. And that's not all...

"OMG" Janie had a closer look at the penguins.

"No, way" Kali too came over, getting a closer look and couldn't believe this. 

"Dad..." Janie called. 

Tom came over to have a look at what the kids were so excited about. That's when he found not one, not two, but three penguin eggs!

"Lovey..." Tom turned to the lovey dovey gentoo who chuckled sheepishly. 

"So, baby penguins?" Billy asked, growing excited. "Baby penguins!"

"Or a three penguin omelet" Tom joked. 

"Mr Popper!" Kali scolded him lightly, not finding that funny. 

Tom soon called Amanda over to come and see the eggs for herself and pretty soon, Tom took Amanda out to dinner on a date. 

Tom and Amanda seemed to be falling in love with each other again.

The days soon turned into weeks as everyone was preparing for the birth of the baby penguins. And soon one night, they hatched. 

Well, two of the eggs at least. But one was still taking its time. 

The next day, Kali invited Mikey over to come and meet the penguins and their chicks for the first time. And they didn't have to worry about the Popper family freaking out over the ninja turtle because he had switched over to his human form with the cloaking watch Donnie invented for him. 

Kali, Mikey and the twins soon entered the Popper's apartment to find the family and penguins playing as this had turned into some kind of snow fest.

"No way, a house filled with snow! I want one!" Mikey said, excitedly. 

"It's like a winter wonderland" Brock commented, before he and Ann started playing with Billy and the penguins, having a snowball fight. 

Kali was glad everything was working out, including the rebuilding of her relationship with Mikey. 

There was still one problem though... Captain's egg still hadn't hatched yet and the mother-to-be penguin was getting anxious. 

"Oh, what if it isn't warm enough? Or if I sat on it for too long? Or what if it's a dud!" Captain exclaimed, becoming paranoid. 

"Captain! Captain! Listen, don't worry about it" Kali told the nervous mother, trying to calm her down.

"She's right" Tom assured, coming over with the others. "Little fella's just taking his time"

"And when he does hatch, we'll be here" Brock added. 

"You're going to make a great mom, Captain" Ann told the gentoo. 

"And i'll bet he'll be a great flyer" Tom said, referring to Captain's unhatched baby. 

But everyone still seemed to be secretly concerned about the egg. 

Mikey then groaned, seeming upset about something. "Why can't I lay eggs?..."

Kali meets Mr Popper's PenguinsWhere stories live. Discover now