Chapter 6

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Flashback to the night Kali and Mikey met for the first time~

Kali was walking alone through the streets of New York at night, after ordering herself a pizza. 

She was on her way home when she decided to take a shortcut through a very quiet, very vacant and suspicious alleyway. 

While she walked through the dark alleyway, she couldn't help but feel that somebody was following her. But when she turned back, no one was there. 

As she continued on, she heard footsteps following behind her, coming closer and closer. 

The tomboy quickly turned around, looking fierce. 

"I know you're following me, whoever you are!" She said, sounding angry to show her toughness. "Come out!" 

A strange shadowy figure then slowly came out from behind a dumpster, but stayed hidden in the shadows. 

Kali noticed how this mysterious figure looked big in size, nothing like any human she's ever seen. 

What happened next surprised the adventure girl a little when... the creature spoke!

"Um, you gonna eat that?" It asked with a young male voice, implying that it was a he. 

"Uh....." Kali wasn't quite sure what to do, as the thing seemed to be attracted by the smell of her pizza. 

The adventure girl soon had a sneaky plan. She opened up the box and took a slice of pizza out and threw it into the shadows to the mysterious figure and he ate it right up. 

While he was distracted, Kali snuck around before suddenly jumping on him. Doing a sneak attack as she knocked him over to the ground out of the shadows to figure out, who was this mysterious stranger?

She looked down as she was on top of the figure now, seeing that his skin was green, plus he had freckles. Wearing an orange mask over his face, and was wearing a belt filled with ninja weapons. Plus had something on his back, like... a turtle shell?!

It looked like he had the skills of a great ninja warrior, Kali thought. 

"Please don't freak out!" the strange figure pleaded, hating to see Kali run away screaming.

Surprisingly though to the strange, apparently turtle-like creature, Kali didn't run away as she looked at him oddly and said. "Why would I do that?..." 

The creature looked back at her, very surprised. This was the first time someone didn't run away from him. 

"You're not gonna run away? Scream? Anything?..." The turtle creature asked the tomboy, confused. 

Kali shrugged her shoulders, getting off of him. "I've seen much more weirder things in my life"

The six foot tall turtle creature then stood up and smiled to her. 

"Uh.... Who are you?" Kali asked this mysterious beginning. 

"The name's Michelangelo" the mutant turtle introduced himself, then tried showing off. "But you can call me Mikey. Angelo is my middle name"

Kali smiled to Mikey before looking away shyly, having this strange new sensation she felt inside of her. 

"Am I blushing?!" She thought to herself. "No! I couldn't be!" 

Mikey then started to climb up to the top of the building as he now had to leave before he was spotted. 

"Wait!" Kali called out to him, making him stop and turn back to her.

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