Chapter 5

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The minutes soon turned into hours and the hours turned into days, as Tom Popper was trying everything he could to make the egg hatch. 

He even built an emergency hatching system up on the roof, but nothing... 

Soon, another day had past as Kali had gotten out of school for the day and said goodbye to Janie. They were both excited because the Snowball dance was tomorrow. 

Kali had talked to Mikey earlier and had planned to meet him at the park right after school. She waited up to a few hours until it got dark. 

He wasn't coming...

Kali walked home sadly in the dark before soon entering her house. 

Jane was very upset and worried that her daughter was late. 

"Kalina Harpercop, where have you been?" Jane demanded an answer from her daughter. 

But Kali just headed straight up to her room, feeling awful enough already. Jane slowly frowned, seeming to notice her daughter's sad expression while the twins looked to each other wondering what happened with their sister. 

Kali came up the stairs and entered her bedroom, flopping down face first onto the bed, not really knowing how to feel right now. She soon got a text from Janie, saying that her dad had sent the penguins away to the zoo while Janie changed her mind about going to the Snowball dance, explaining that Cooper Keegan asked someone else at the last minute. 

Kali felt miserable. When everything seemed right, how did it all suddenly go so wrong?

Kali then heard some tapping on her window and turned to see it was none other than Mikey. 

"Of all the times to show up" the tomboy thought to herself as she got up and opened her window to let him in. 

"Hey!," Mikey greeted, entering the room as he tried to explain. "Sorry I'm late. My bros and I were-"

"Stop, okay?... Just, stop" Kali said, turning away from him. 

"What's the problem, dudette?" Mikey asked, noticing his girlfriend's odd change of behavior. 

"That's just it..." Kali started, turning to Mikey with tears in her eyes. "You're the problem"

"Huh?" Mikey seemed confused. 

"Mikey, these past few weeks you've done nothing but set me up. Making up excuses why we can't hang out" Kali started to raise her voice, as this was quickly going to turn into a fight. 

"You never listen to me. You never want to hang out with me anymore. You don't even understand what a relationship is!" Kali continued in outrage, losing her temper as her eyes were filled with tears. 

Mikey was surprised at what his girlfriend was saying. "Kali, I-" he tried to say. 

"What's the matter?" Kali cut him off, and struggled a bit with what she was about to ask next. "... Do you not love me anymore?..."

The room was silent as Mikey didn't say a word. He had no idea Kali had felt this way and how much of an idiot he had become, being to stupid not to realize her feelings. 

"I think we should just stop..." Kali finally said quietly, turning away from Mikey as this meant she was breaking up with him. 

Mikey just stayed silent, staring at his girlfriend before he finally said. "I guess this is goodbye then..."

Mikey then headed out the window before turning back to Kali one last time. "Goodbye, Kali...". He then left. 

Kali looked back towards the window and felt awful with what she'd just said to Mikey. But it was too late to apologize now. 

Feeling miserable, she layed down on her bed and went to sleep. 

Kali meets Mr Popper's PenguinsWhere stories live. Discover now