The Mystery|Chapter 1

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The picture above is Malorie's sister,Jessica.

Author Note:
The characters in this story are Malorie,who is the main character, and Jessica or Jess for short,who is Malorie's sister.The rest will be introduced later as they are strangers.Everything might not be the exact same because I don't remember everything perfectly from the movie.This is not my story it is originally from Netflix.Anyway,let's get to the story.

Author's P.O.V
Malorie is painting when her sister,Jessica,walks in with groceries in her hand.
"And what does this painting mean?"Jessica asks.
"This painting is...about...the connection?"Malorie replys not knowing what to say.
"See this is why you need to get outside and be,you know,social,"Jessica trys to reason with her sister.
"I don't need to get outside and anyway I've got an appointment for the baby,"making an excuse.
"Anyway,have you seen what's on the news about people randomly committing suicide?"Jessica attempts to change the subject.
Which she succeeds at.Jessica switches on the tv and puts on the news.(It explains what's going on about the suicide and it's not figured out and where it is  happening and everything blah blah blah time skip to when they are at the doctors and the check up is finished and Malorie is in the bathroom)

Malorie's P.O.V
I threw up in the sink.I know.Gross.Most people throw in the toilet but I'm not like most people.I'm very different.Literally.
"You okay in there?"Jess asks.
"Well obviously not I just threw up,"I reply in a duh tone.

"Well how do you feel?Was it nice or gross?"Jess asking another question.
Wow this girl does not stop.
"Vomit is never nice,"I answered back to her.
Has she never vomited before?Actually never mind don't even answer that.

"Wait for me in the car I'll come when I'm done,"I told her.
"Ok,see you in the car!"Jess says and goes away.
I cleaned myself up and went to walk to the car.Everyone was walking quickly to the exit.Hmm,wonder why?Then I seen a girl,that I seen on the way in,banging her head on a window and making her head bleed.Shit!I ran to the exit and got into the car.

"Quickly,go drive!"I said to Jess.
"Why,what's wrong?"Jess asked,pulling out.
"That thing that was happening on the news,is here now,"I said hurriedly.
Then the lights turned red and a car next to us went looking scared.Uh oh.Something's wrong.Suddenly,there was an explosion behind us,a couple of cars away.
"Drive,drive!"I shouted to Jess.
"It's a red light I'm not crossing on a red light,that's breaking the law!"
"Jess,just drive!"

Jess drove instantly,while I looked in the rear mirror looking for anymore trouble.No sign.Yet.

"What the fuck is that?"Jess asks scared.
What the fuck is what?"I ask back.

No reply.
"What the fuck is what,Jess?!"Practically shouting now.
I look at her and see her eyes changing like she's seeing something.Her driving increases.A lot.She drives like she's out of control when she crashes and the car flips.We land and I hit my head on the now broken car.

Jess climbs out the car.I get out and she starts walking to no particular location.She turns around and looks at me.Then a truck comes and crashes into her with no care in the world.Fuck.
No this can't happen.No,no,no!

I bring myself up and start to speed walk to I don't know where.People practically pushing me without even caring who it is.I carry on walking when I fall onto the floor.


A lady comes out her house towards me.
"Lydia come back!"saying to the lady who I assume is Lydia.
"She's pregnant!"she replies defending me.
Thank you.
"Lydia!"he shouts not caring about me at all.
Then she looks up.
"Mom?Come back,"Lydia says to no one.
She walks towards the fire behind me,which I didn't realise,and into a car.That was on fire.What?

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