"Maybe we can see better then we thought,". | Chapter 6

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"Okay,one second!"Tom says.
Malorie grabs the gun and aims it towards the door.
"Hey!Hey,hey,hey,"Lucy says to Malorie with a worried look on her face.
Tom looks back at Malorie with pure shock.Douglas attempts to block the way and faces Malorie.
"Move,"Malorie demands.
He cautiously moves to the side.

"Go ahead,"she says gesturing to open the door.
"Go get a-Go get a blanket.Go get a blanket!"Tom says to Greg the starts speaking to Olympia again.
"There should be two lamps on
either side of the door.I'm gonna hand you a blanket and I want you to drape it across the both of them.Okay?"Tom asks.
"I need you to block the view for me.Cover your eyes!"
Felix repeats"So stupid,"

"Malorie,cover your eyes,Tom says.
She looks away meanwhile Tom opens the door and hands the woman the blanket.
"Okay,"the girl sighs out.
Then the door closes again.
"Let me know when you have it,"

"Tom,is this safe?"Lucy asks.
"Shut up!"Cheryl shouts out.
"Hold on,please"Tom exclaims looking back.
"Okay,it's all covered,"
"Okay.I got you.Come on,"
The door opens and the girl begins to pant.
"We're good,"

Then everyone opens their eyes whilst Tom closes and locks the door.Tom then gestures to Malorie to put the gun away.
"Yeah,before you kill someone with it since you have no idea how it works,"Malories angrily empties out the bullets out of the gun.

The girl takes off her blindfold whilst Greg reassures her.
"How-There are so many of you!"she says hesitantly walking down the hallway a bit.She then stops walking when Charlie says "So are you um...Are-Are you pregnant?"she looks down at her stomach.
"Yeah.October 1st.What about you?"
"Uh,end of,uh,September,"

"Wait.Hold on.Is shit still going crazy out there or what?"Felix asks her.
She nods.
"Are you on your own?"
She nods again.
"Yeah,I am.My husband was deployed last month cause he's in the Air Force.I tried to make stuff last as long as it could,um...but I was so hungry and I was afraid I would starve my baby so I didn't know what to do,"
"Here,have some water,"
"Thank you,"

"So you left and started knocking on random doors?"Lucy asks.
"I only live a block away,"
"Great,now we can all starve here in the maternity ward,"Douglas remarks.
She then looks upset and looks at the floor nervously and fidgets with her fingers.

"It just means we need to get more supplies,""Of course,but we can't get anything if we can't see,"
"Oh,we're so fucking trapped,"Felix says with his palm on his forehead.
"Maybe not,"
They all look towards Greg.
"Maybe we can see better then we thought,"
"What do you mean?"Malorie asks.
"Come here,"

Hey peeps!Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I promise I'll start posting more recent then before.
Anyway,how did you like it?What do you think Greg is talking about?
-The Author

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