'It makes you want to kill yourself' | Chapter 3

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"It seems like if you look at it it makes you want to hurt yourself,"says Greg,the one who let Malorie,Tom and the policeman in.
"No it makes you want to kill yourself!"Douglas,Lydia's husband.
"Close the windows!Get the windows!Close all the windows!"Tom demands.
Everyone rushes to the windows and closes and covering them with newspapers and all sorts.

Malorie tries to call her mum but fails to reach her and gets a busy signal instead.
A phone rings from someone else and a married couple answer it in a hurry.
"Andy,Bailey can you hear me?"the man asks.
"Dad,what is that thing outside?"Bailey says sounding like she is running.
"Bailey!Bailey!"they both shout.
Bailey screams and they end the phone call heading towards the door.

"If you go outside you will die,"Douglas says to them in a warning tone.
"My children are out there!"the woman yells walking out the door.
"You won't make it to your children!"Douglas shout back.

"It's back on,turn it up,"Felix,the man with tattoos,says.
"The President has declared a state of emergency and has closed all borders.Do not,do not go outside.Avoid social media,use radi-"

"We're f**ked.Compeletely f**ked!"Felix says having no hope at all.

Tom walks into the kitchen and sees Malorie getting up from the chair she was sitting on.
"Hey,hey why don't we sit back down,"Tom says.
"No,no I'm fine!"Malorie says and turns around to take a breath.
"Understood,understood,"Tom replies taking a few steps back raising his hands
"Listen are you in any pain?"Tom asks,making sure Malorie is okay.
"What?No,no!"she says attempting to reassure him but clearly fails.
"I feel like you may have a concussion?"Tom guesses.
"I'm fine,I'm fine,"Malorie repeats.

Malorie starts to tear up.
"We were just driving,"she says turning to him slightly sobbing.
"She seen something.But I didn't know what it was!And Jess.She does not get sad or suicidal.And that woman.She came to help me and she seen her mum and started talking to her,"she explains clearly crying now.

"That woman was my wife.Her name was Lydia.And she wasn't talking to her mother.Her mother has been dead for 10 years,"Douglas says,coming out of nowhere.

So how did I do?This is my first story so I decided to just write bird box.Its quite hard since I have to watch it again in my free time and I barely do have time to spare but I get it done eventually.I know I updated late but I tried my hardest.

I also want to do a Q&A like if you guys wanna know a bit more about me.I'd appreciate it!

Question of the day:Who is your favourite character so far?
I think mine is Tom.Only because I have seen the whole movie and know what happens.
Also comment if you have seen bird box or not.I think all of you have.
Well enough talking byeeee👋🏻
- Author

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