Is it just us?|Chapter 2

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"My wife.Her name was Lydia.She went to save you.And now she's gone,"

"I'm sorry.I'm so,so sorry,"I mouthed slightly whispering.

They set me down onto the floor and I scanned around the room and noticed how many people I was with.(don't be offended with this I'm just describing the people)There was a black chubby man,a guy with tattoos,a black fit guy,an old guy,an old woman,an Asian man,a policeman and me.(if I missed anyone out just tell me)

I found the kitchen and sat down calling my mum.No answer.I called again.No answer.Please nothing be wrong with her.

Then I heard the sound of the television playing.I turned my head to take a look.The news.

Time skip to after they watched the news.

"I think I learnt about this.It's what's been happening now.Humanity has been judged and we've been found wanting.They go by different names.You got world religion and mythology that's full of mentions of demons or spirit creatures."he explains.

"People who've seen these creatures almost always describe their encounter as with an entity who takes on the form of your worst fears,your deepest sadness or your greatest loss.It's not bullshit.It's real talk.It's facts."he continued.

"And where did you learn this from?College?"the policeman asks.

"Not college,per se,you see I researched on the Internet,"he replied.

We're fucked,"the guy in tattoos says casually but panicking.

"Have hope,"someone adds in.

"We're fucked.Completely fucked,"having no hope,he answers.

This is Felix:

The guy in tattoos btw😂K bye- the Author

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The guy in tattoos btw😂
K bye
- the Author

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